Four of our Colchester Rovers youth members have been working toward their British Cycling young volunteer awards. Tom, Zoe, Amelia & Dan have spent time over the last 2 years helping with club youth coaching sessions, organisation of club events and helping the regional BC Go-Ride coaches at events throughout the Eastern Region.
The Cycling Award for Young Volunteers (CAYV) programme is a fantastic place to start helping out within your local cycling club. The programme combines an introductory workshop, which covers the fundamentals of cycle sport and volunteering roles, with practical placements with the Colchester Rovers club.
Our four CAYV helpers have worked through three award levels each requiring a minimum number of hours, bronze (12 hours), silver (24 hours) or gold (36 hours). Successfully building their leadership and communication skills in a practical environment
Amelia said “I have enjoyed sharing my knowledge gained through the club’s coaching sessions with our new youth members. The time spent on the CAYV programme has helped give something back to the club which I have enjoyed being a member of for a number of years.”
Zoe commented “The time I have spent helping out has been fun and enabled me to meet lots people within the cycling community both at club level and throughout the region. Volunteering has given me a number of opportunities that would not have been possible without being involved. The best of which was a white knuckle ride in the Holdsworth Team Car for the duration of the 2018 Jock Wadley Road Race. These opportunities don’t come round too often but volunteering with the Rovers has made this possible.”
British Cycling welcomes all young people from who are keen the develop their skills while contributing to the development of your local cycling club. The programme is open to those aged 14-18 and no prior involvement or knowledge of cycling is required.
If you are interested in learning more please contact the club chairman via the details on the Contact Us page.