Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday 5th July, 2021
Held as “Zoom” Meeting.
1. Committee Members Present:
Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, Joanne Smith, Greg Andrews, Tom Starmer, Sandra Meadows, Paul Meadows. David Triggs John Loxley and Colin White (by telephone)
2. Apologies for Absence:
Jim Reed and Phil Reid
3. AGM
It was agreed to discuss this item first. As the AGM was scheduled to be on 16th July but
Due to COVID restrictions not being relaxed until 19th July Nick felt that we have not alternative other than to change the date. It was agreed to try and rebook a room at the Northern Gateway for 23rd July.
Nick will contact NG and will let us know as soon as the new date is confirmed. (since the meeting the date has now been confirmed for 8pm Friday 6th August).
Maggie will notify the membership of the AGM requesting items for the agenda together with anyone wishing to stand for any of the posts. (Maggie has since this meeting notified the membership of the new date of the 6th August)
Nick also informed the committee he would stand as Chairman again but would be standing down after 5 years.
4. Approval of previous Minutes
Proposed: Colin White
Seconded: Tom Starmer
5. Matters Arising from previous Minutes
Greg informed the committee that the dates for the Circuit races had changed but the new dates had already been published in the previous minutes.
6. Treasurers Report
Maggie presented the Treasurers report. £1731.72 was paid in most of this £1096.69 from sumup payments. The remaining amount being membership and a small donation.
Nick commented how well Thursday nights at the track were going mostly fully
Subscribed. VCR to extend by another 12 weeks.
It was also agreed to extend the Saturday Youth sessions until September
There is also an area at NG that we could possibly use for Cyclo X.
Nick is looking into this.
7. Membership
Maggie read out the list of new members. Master Charlie Barrett, Master Ciaran Ho, Master Jack Barden-Beatty, Mr Aaron Pittson, Mr Vadim Smirnov, Mr Gareth Stewart, Mr Toby Payne, Miss M Donna Hoy, Mr Shane Bowmaker, Mr Ewan Tomlin, Ms Lilly Wood,
Mr James Watson.
Colin had sent a list of renewals to Maggie together with monies that he had paid into the account.
Colin Had received some renewals together with some donations and these monies would be paid in soon.
8. Road/Circuit Races
Greg gave an update on what was happening with road and circuit racing on Tuesday and Thursdays. VC Baracchi are holding their road race this Sunday but the Crits had been pulled by British Cycling.
The Races at Lotus are full.
Greg said that the dates for our circuit races are now listed on the Eastern Region Website. We do have to bear in mind that at the moment we are short of commissaires and that there will be no course run until possibly 2022.
Nick updated us on Mistley and the cost to run our Cyclo X would be in excess of £1000.
Colin mentioned that it might be worthwhile going to a PC meeting to put our point across. Nick said that Peter had written/emailed them and basically it is a case of take it or leave it.
Peter is looking at an alternative. (probably at the Hill fields)
Malcolm said that he and Maggie would be happy to organise the Wadley again in 2022.
9. Youth
Tom gave an update of the Youth activities and started by saying how nice it was to see Malcolm and Maggie and Justine and Jo at the youth sessions. The sessions are going very well with numbers averaging 40ish each week.
There has been success in the MSG. Peter Hall was 1st in his category and George Collins also doing very well. In all a there has been a very good uptake.
There will be an open day on 24th July at the NG. BC Regional coaching will be there and our Youth session is planned to go ahead as scheduled but the morning would be free.
There are Cyclo X plans and Simon Wilson is very keen to help. Possible Cyclo X coaching at NG there is going to be a meeting on 17th to talk about options. Nick will also ask
Peter Hall to attend.
With regard to new Youth members there have been members of Suffolk Race Team attending our sessions and have now become members.
Maldon, Chelmer, Welwyn, Lee Valley and Hadleigh to mention some that are regular clubs also attending the Saturday Sessions.
Dave Ryan is keen to put a coaching course on and we are awaiting him to come back with some dates.
10. TT
John Loxley said that TT is going well but the Peldon race had to be cancelled last week due to road works. John said that he and Nick are looking at putting a 10 mile TT at Northern gateway later in the season
John said that he will be putting out details soon with regard to the 50TT in August.
Peter Hall will put the TT tables together and this will then go on the website. We also talked last month about putting something on the website that would make it easy for our members to be able to enter TTs. John said that he will start to put something together.
11 A.O.B
Jo said that club rides are going well and that they would be doing a 100 mile soon. Jo also
Informed us that she had a new job and that she would be based at Norther Gateway.
The job is “Wheels for All and this s Active Essex”. Jo will put a post on the website and
Facebook soon. Nick said that we will support Jo as a club in any way that we can.
Justin to ask Joseph Warren for admin access permissions on the website.
David Triggs asked as the AGM is being held in July (now August) do we need a rule change. Nick said that we can have this as an agenda item and we can then also set the date for the 2022 AGM.
Colin said that Tony’s funeral had gone well and there was a good attendance from the Rovers. Colin said that he was still trying to get access to Tony’s shed so that we can get our equipment back. ( since this meeting Colin has gained access and with Keith Clarke has now removed all items from Tony’s shed and put them in the container).
The meeting closed at 9.15pm
Margaret Hargreaves
Colchester Rovers CC