Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday 8th January, 2024
At Stanway Village Hall

  1. Committee Members Present:

Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, Helen Arnold, Kelly Phillips, Colin White, Paul Meadows, Matt Haigh, Colin Foster, Simon Wilson, Jonathon, Ray, Perry & Peter Hall.

  1. Apologies for Absence:

Nick Rowley, Greg Andrews, Nick Swainston, Elaine Rowley, Tom Starmer, Jacqui Mortlock,

  1. Approval of Previous Minutes Proposed by Colin White
    Seconded by Paul Meadows
  2. Matters Arising from previous Minutes – None
  3. Actions to be added to minutes – Following on from Helen’s first minutes as Club Secretary Helen has suggested we note actions to be undertaken by committee members, with a deadline if appropriate – all agreed.
  4. Treasurers Report – Maggie presented the Club accounts. The balance is sitting at £35870.65. Total monies paid in this month was £534.13 and withdrawn £3103.05. (Please see appendix A for transaction details). Memberships now coming in to boost this. Awaiting confirmation of the 90 day higher interest account, £20K to be transferred once account up and running. Maggie has completed paperwork for the removal of two out of date signatures on the account (Tony Aspin and Mac McDermott). Once confirmation received new signatories will need to be appointed.

Process to contact Robert Wood regarding the Youth Account is ongoing. (Action MH)

  1. Membership – All (REDACTED) documents had been circulated to committee including letter advising (REDACTED)of appeal outcome (Which upheld the Committee original decision) and response from (REDACTED) received by email to Maggie. Maggie has spoke to British Cycling (BC) to Justin Thornberry. BC have reviewed documentation. BC feel there is no further action required by the Club at this stage. Should (REDACTED)follow his intimated plan to seek legal advice then the club would need to seek legal advice at that time. BC have opened a file and have this on record. BC have suggested we write for a final time to advise the Appeal outcome is final and advise that we shall undertake no further communication on the matter. As a club we are under no obligation to provide minutes of meeting held in relation to this matter or any other further information or documentation.

It was suggested as committee members we all should be aware of complaints processes and how we handle situations of this nature in the future. (Appendix B – CRCC Complaints & Disciplinary attached) In light of the documents not being fully visible on the website when this first occurred, we shall ensure that all documents of this nature are fully visible asap. (Action HA/JS/NS) Committee to review the Complaints document when circulated and comments put forward back to committee. Further discussion was then given to making rules of events clearer (TT) and matters of discipline are dealt with promptly. It was discussed that use of photographs on media in matters relating to issues of this nature should be approved by parties prior to use. (Action MH)

Members Listed at end of meeting as per JS update 7/1/24 9:25pm

  1. Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure. – Covered above in item 7.
  2. Club Night – Usually held 3rd Friday of each month. An hour on the track was provided free of charge to members followed by use of the room at NGW for teas and coffee afterwards. It was felt the tea and coffee was not being utilised, other suggestion was that track session were underutilised. Issue of the publicity of the event was also raised, (People need reminding at least three time usually by social media) It was asked what the survey revelled about this? Ray suggested possibly make the tea and coffee social once a month after the Thursday track sessions. Nick Swainston not here this evening to confirm when we usually start both the Thursday track nights (Historically shared with VCR – Is that happening this year?) It was suggested we have a three-month trial of the Thursday evening Group Rides and once a month have tea and coffee afterwards for social; then for three months we trial Friday evening track sessions once a month for Clubs members with no social facility. The commencing of these sessions to be confirmed. (Action MH/NS).
  3. Club Records and Website – Committee aware request had been received by Ken Baker for past records to be uploaded to the club website. It is believed NS has records up to 2018. JS advised best format is likely to be presented in an excel document. KP advised she had been trying to progress this and had offered her assistance. Checks that the 100 Year History of the club is accessible. (Action KP/NS/JS) JS advised he is still trying to access “Guidelines for Accidents & Emergencies” is still a form he is having difficulty accessing to upload in a visible format on the website (Action NS) Ray mentioned access to this form for accidents on rides, it was suggested we may need to report through BC. (Action HA) Jonathon mentioned link to our terms and conditions when renewing membership, how visible and up to date is this? KP suggested a revision of our ‘old’ handbook and circulation, it is felt this may have been in progress with NS. It was then discussed that if the website is up to date and accurate a handbook may now be outdated.
  4. Road/Circuit Races – Greg advised Tony Aspin Mem 23/6/24 , HQ for the event to be at Boddicea Way. Plans for 2024 Centurion Racing progressing with updates to follow.

Jock Wadley to be held 10/3/2024. Possible sponsorship may be available for the event via club member Carl Day (Action RR). KP agreed car park assistance. Most marshals and escorts booked.
NS may be raising publicity material for circulation to local companies. KP organising a little piece of publicity based on JW history.

  1. TT – NR circulated update via email (Attached in appendix C) MH asked on NR behalf do the committee think there are too many events in the current plans. Suggested now for 36, many other clubs only offer 20 events. Following discussion, it was felt to proceed as ‘natural wastage’ due to weather etc will naturally reduce the number that eventually go ahead. Concerns were raised on marshals to cover the events; we hope this will not be an issue. MH to check for clashes with local clubs. John Golder of London CTT has offered to publish our events on Cycling Time Trials as they are prepared to add events that are club events in addition to open events due to falling numbers. KP mentioned possibly arranging some inter club events. (Action MH) Could we use CTT for entry? What is the position of Eventbrite? KP raised presentation for TT. Suggested venue Berechurch Arms. KP to investigate potential numbers and costings.

NR has been in contact with Donda Clothing who are offering a 20% discount upon their full launch in April. Felt to consider we might need samples and estimated costs and the potential range of types of clothing offered. “Striptease” clothing was suggested as a general clothing alternative.

  1. Youth Development (Simon) – Plan circulated (Appendix C) Some changes to previous offerings. Our main areas remain Grass track, Cyclo Cross, and Circuit. Last year the groups run we had run in conjunction with BC were felt unsuccessful in achieving our goals and the older children were restricted by the splitting of the NGW circuit to accommodate all ages ranges. Coaching of the younger children was not as productive as we may have hoped as often children below the recommended age group attended thus making coaching difficult (Zoe Swainston being an absolute asset in this area). We no longer aim to offer a Saturday morning club session as a result. We therefore are looking at the Muddy Monster format supported by BC. It is felt this may be more beneficial to club promotion in boosting new membership. Secondly on a Thursday before the Track Session offered by the club to senior members we offer sessions for the youth riders, particularly offering sessions for the under 12’s to become under 14’s and under 14’s to become under 16. This due to the step up in these areas to be challenging. The drop off in this age range seems to require extra support. Cyclocross fitness training to be offered for six weeks. It is unsure if these sessions would breakeven and we may need to be prepared that these may run at a loss in some instances. It was acknowledged that some younger riders may be disappointed in the withdrawal of Saturday mornings. Simon explained he had knowledge of Hadleigh Cycling Club making all child attendees free club members and offering reduced rate sweatshirts and club kit, possibly an idea to consider. Grass track offering from the plan a little earlier in the season than previously to get youth ready for August race season. Open event remains planned for Shrub End as previous.
  2. A.O.B –

MH asked if container now fixed. PM confirmed leak has been fixed.

CW – Boxing Day event went well with impressive number of entrants. Although on the day Riders won this was later overturned due to a rule breach. The win was duly awarded to the runners.

RR – Still pursuing Alex Dowsett. Terry Burn is racing the Tour Divide. 2745 miles! Could we do a piece on this? (Action KP/RR)

PT – Off Road riding plans to appear on Facebook soon. Peldon Rides mentioned by KP.

SW – 4/2/24 end of cyclocross relay race. Marshalls appreciated if you are not entering.

MH – Reminder of meeting on Monday 15th January 2024 (Action KP to circulate copy of the survey to all committee for reference)

    Date of next meeting is Monday 5th February 2024.

    The meeting closed at 9.10pm 
    Club Secretary
    Colchester Rovers CC