Complaint & Disciplinary Procedure

1.1 It is a requirement of British Cycling that all ‘Go Ride’ registered clubs have a defined
complaint and disciplinary procedure that applies to all members.
1.2 The Committee wishes to make it clear that it is hoped that all but the most serious of
issues can be resolved by an informal approach, which has served the club well for so
many years.

2.1 ‘Misconduct’ means any conduct that could bring the club or its members into
2.2 While it is not possible to set out a definitive list of examples of misconduct, however
the following types of behaviour would be viewed as unacceptable:
(a) a significant breach of club rules.
(b) a breach of the Code of Practice for Sport Coaches.
(c) serious or repeated disobedience of the reasonable directions of club officials.
(d) dangerous riding or compromising the safety of others.
(e) verbal or physical abuse of any kind.
(f) carrying out any acts and/or making any statements that are discriminatory in any
(g) in respect of any Person in a position of trust or authority over another Person either
directly or indirectly:
(i) abusing that trust or authority in any way.
(ii) failing to observe confidentiality.
(iii) failing to act with respect towards those persons.
(iv) acting in contravention of the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults
(v) failing to act in a professional manner.

Reporting a Complaint/Misconduct
3.1 In the event of any person wishing to make a complaint this should be made to the
Club’s Welfare Officer as soon as practical. The person making the complaint can
decide whether they wish to do this verbally or in writing.

4.1 The Club Welfare Officer will carry out an investigation, with any club members who
may be either directly or indirectly involved being obliged to cooperate.
4.2 The Club Welfare Officer will make a recommendation to the Club Committee on what
actions should be taken. The Club Committee will then make a decision on any action
to be taken and this will be communicated to all parties.
4.3 If for any reason the Club Welfare Officer believes they may not be the most
appropriate person(s) to carry out the investigation then the Club Chairman will
nominate an alternative person or persons.

5.1 The Committees decision may be appealed against, by individuals directly affected, by
means of a written appeal to the Club Chairman, within 10 days of being notified of the
Committees decision, giving clear and sufficient details of the reason for the appeal.
5.2 Should the Chairman consider it appropriate, they will then nominate three club
members to hear the appeal and their majority decision shall be binding on all parties.