CRCC 2019 AGM – Minutes of the Meeting

Colchester Rovers Cycling Club

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held at 19:30 hrs on Friday 6th December 2019 at

Boadicea Way Sports Complex, Boadicea Way, Colchester


Attendance    30 people attended


  1. Election of Chairman

 Nick Swainston stood down as Chairman.  Malcolm Hargreaves Vice Chairman asked Nick if he would stand again and Nick confirmed to the meeting that he would.

Proposed by Tom Starmer

Seconded by Ken Baker

Carried unanimously – Nick Swainston  elected as Chairman


  1. Apologies for Absence:

Chris Hamblion & Gary Hamblion


  1. Adoption of the 2018 AGM Minutes

Minutes circulated by email prior to the meeting (copies also available at the meeting)


  1. Matters arising from the 2018 AGM

John Loxley mentioned that the information quoted with regard to his position on the committee was incorrect.  It should have stated that he was in fact website secretary.

Maggie the Treasurer also informed the meeting that the figures produced on the 2018 minutes were incorrect and she submitted the correct figures to the meeting.  In fact, the club did have a profit for 2018 and not a loss as stated

Proposed:  Colin White

Seconded   Paul Goldsmith


  1. Treasures Report 2018 – 2019

Maggie gave a report to the meeting and a copy of the Accounts for 2019 are attached together with her notes.  Last years accounts have been audited and a copy was presented to the meeting.  Chris Hall commented that is was good that the club was investing in coaches and this is for the future of the Club and our commitment to the Northern Gateway.


  1. 2019 General Secretary’s Report

Although no report was presented Tony gave an update on the year.  Time Trials had been a struggle this year but numbers were down.  The Wadley cancelled due to weather. A full field for the Abberton.  Club runs going well but the Club Run Captain Sandra Meadows would be standing down.  Good attendance at the Hillyfields Cyclo X and Mistley.

Tom Starmer informed the committee that Colchester Rovers came 2nd in the Eastern Region this was mainly due to our Youth Riders.


  1. Change to Item A of the Committee Rules

During recent committee meetings, the need for a new committee position to lead the Rovers involvement with the Northern Gateway Cycle Centre during the forthcoming year has become apparent. To keep the size of the committee manageable it was felt one of the general member positions that are not currently fully filled could be substituted for this new role during 2020. The committee description also needs to be revised to reflect the decision taken at last AGM to appoint a communications team.

The proposed change to Committee item A for the forthcoming year 2020 is, therefore:

The club’s affairs are to be run by a Committee, which shall be known as the Management Committee. The Committee shall consist of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Northern Gateway Lead, Club Runs Captain, Road Race Secretary, Time Trial Secretary, Membership Secretary, Track Secretary, Sportive Secretary, Cyclo-Cross Secretary, Mountain Bike Secretary, Social Secretary, Communications Team (Press Lead, Social Media Lead, Website Editor), Clothing Secretary, Youth Committee Chairperson, plus three other first claim members, with preference to one being a junior member elected at the A.G.M.

Proposed by Committee

Seconded by Ken Baker

Motion Carried.


  1. Election of Club Committee Officials 2020

The Chairman  went through the current positions and those of committee members standing down and vacant committee posts.


Time Trial Secretary – Gary Hamblion    –  Standing down

Website Secretary – John Loxley             –  Standing down

Club runs Captain  – Sandra Meadows     –  Standing down

Club Member – Justin Smith                    –   Standing down


Press Lead                 –    Vacant

Social Media Lead     –   Vacant

Club Member  1         –   Vacant

Club Member  2         –   Vacant

Club Member  3         –   Vacant


The Chairman asked Tony Asplin Secretary if he was willing to stand again and he said yes.  Ken Baker addressed the meeting and nominated Maggie Hargreaves for the post of Secretary.  Stating that he felt that Tony had not really been carrying out the role for some time. Colin White informed the meeting that Tony had not been well but this was something that Tony denied.

Malcolm Hargreaves addressed the meeting saying we were aware that he had not been very well but that he had not been doing his job as secretary for over 2 months.

The Chairman asked Maggie if she was willing to stand as Secretary and she confirmed that she was.  The Chairman then took it to a vote.

The room voted as follows  Tony Asplin  6  Maggie Hargreaves  8  Therefore Maggie Hargreaves was elected as Secretary.


The Chairman then asked if we could vote on mass on all other posted that had confirmed they are still willing to stand.

Carried unanimously


The chairman then continued with the following posts:


Time Trial Secretary   –   John Loxley was nominated to stand.

Proposed by Jim Reed

Seconded by Len Benton

 Therefore John Loxley was elected.


Website Secretary   –   Justin Smith  was nominated to stand

Proposed by John Loxley

Seconded by James Baldwin

Therefore Justin Smith was elected.


Club runs Captain    –    Joanne Smith was nominated to stand

Proposed by Sandra Meadows

Seconded by Ken Baker

Therefore Joanne Smith was elected.


Club Member 1   –   Sandra Meadows was nominated to stand

Proposed by Paul Meadows

Seconded by Justin Smith

Therefore Sandra Meadows was elected.


Club Member 2   –   Phillip Read was nominated to stand

Proposed by David Triggs

Seconded by Paul Goldsmith

Therefore Phillip Read was elected


Club Member 3  –  Jim Reed was nominated to stand

Proposed by John Loxley

Seconded by Keith Clarke

Therefore Jim Reed was elected


All positions Carried unanimously


A junior member did not come forward for nomination at the AGM. The Chairman spoke about co-opting a Junior member being on to the committee and it was agreed that the main committee would discuss this at their next meeting if any interested parties came forward.  It was agreed by the room that we could co-opt a Junior member onto the committee or even that they may well be able to fill one of the vacant roles i.e. MBX.

The Chairman then spoke about the new post to the committee of Northern Gateway Lead.  It was felt that with Northern Gateway opening next year that we needed someone to take this forward.

Stuart Thompson nominated Greg Andrews who confirmed he would like to stand.

Proposed by Stuart Thompson

Seconded by James Baldwin

Therefore Greg Andrews was elected.


The following posts were not filled and remain vacant.   Press Lead, Social Media Lead and Mountain Bike Secretary.


The Chairman then asked Tom Starmer Youth Committee Chairman to confirm what members would be standing for re-election.   Tom confirmed the following:

Tom Starmer            –  Chairman

Robert Loir Wood   –   Treasurer

Nicky Swainston     –   Secretary


Proposed by Peter Hall

Seconded by Colin White

Therefore all re-elected.


  1. Change to Item C of the Committee Rules

 The club committee feels that the wording and expectations of item C of the club rules relating to committee roles may be preventing people from volunteering. The existing text from the rules reads:

Any Committee member missing three consecutive meetings and not able to give a satisfactory explanation will be required to resign from the Committee and that member’s place will be taken by another club member invited by the Committee.

The committee proposes that the wording of rule C is changed to:

All committee members should take an active part in the business of the committee submitting agenda items and reports to maintain the role for which they are appointed. If unable to attend meetings members should provide a timely update (along with their apologies).

Members not able to maintain an active role in the management of the club may be required to resign from the committee and their place will be taken by another club member invited by the Committee.

Proposed by Committee

Seconded by Paul Goldsmith

Carried unanimously


  1. Any other Competent Business


James Baldwin talked about the New Eastern Competition League and how if we were as a club to win how would we distribute any prize.  It was felt that until we know what the possible prizes would be we can not discuss how any prize would be distributed.   We shall await to hear from BC Eastern and then discuss it further at a Committee meeting.


Malcolm also spoke about the Competition League and how this is encouraging clubs to work harder to gain points on all aspects of cycling, it includes all cycling disciplines as well as Marshalling, and how much each club puts back into cycling in general.


Maggie spoke about the annual Dinner and she will be issuing menu choices soon.  Nick also had hoped to book a band but unfortunately, they have let us down but we will be looking for an alternative.


Nick then spoke to the meeting about Time Trials and that he had done a traffic count on one of our previous courses and that it had exceeded the recommended vehicle count.  We have now found a new course the E710D Starting and finishing at School Road Tendring.  This is a full 10-mile course.  Additionally, the Langham Course will be run on 2 Sundays.  John Loxley confirmed that the Programme for Time Trials would soon be on the website.


Nick confirmed that the new website has now gone live. The Website should be a true reflection of our members’ activities and that we need stories etc on all disciplines /cycling activities, including social rides, so that we can keep our membership and website visitors informed about club/members activities.  Those who have permissions for the website are James Baldwin, Justin Smith, Nick Swainston and Tom Starmer.


Nick informed the meeting that we have also been accepted to run the National Grass Track meeting on 21st June 2020.  It could possibly be at Lower Castle Park. Nick is currently talking to the local authority about this. If not Castle Park we could possibly hold it at Shrub End.  The event will have a Ladies and Youth Omnia.


David Triggs asked if we would possibly have a change of venue for next years AGM and the Chairman suggested after the Hill Climb at Nayland Village Hall or even a possibility of using the Northern Gateway.


Nick also asked for the club to think about holding more social events.  Looking for volunteers to run them.  Such things as maybe a hog roast after a cycling event.


Life Membership.  Nick asked the meeting for any nominations but no names were put forward.


Club Person of the Year.  Nick asked for nominations the following names were put forward.


Peter Hall                    Nominated by Maggie Hargreaves

Nick Swainston           Nominated by Ken Baker

Maggie Hargreaves     Nominated by Keith Clarke


The club committee and membership would like to add a Vote of thanks to Tony Asplin for his hard work and all that he has given to Colchester Rovers over many many years.

Thank you Tony.


The meeting closed at 8.55pm


 Signed – Maggie Hargreaves