29th November 2019 – 19:30
The meeting was chaired by Nick Swainston and the following key issues were discussed:
Nick had received the minutes of last years AGM from Tony on the day of the meeting and passed this round the members attending on his phone. The committee agreed that they were not a complete reflection of the 2018 AGM meeting. There were many items of discussion missed. The committee agreed that we would have to issue them as they are but would add a note to make the membership aware that items were missing and add a number of headlines that we were able to remember discussing.
Treasurers report. – Maggie reported that the figures included on the 2018 AGM minutes were incorrect and gave Nick a correct set of figures to be included for the AGM. Maggie also confirmed that she would comment on this at the AGM,
There was some discussion regarding Tony and how concerned the committee was for him at the moment. We discussed how we could support him to maintain his current role. Nick would again email him and request that he produce an agenda for the AGM. If one is not received by next Tuesday then Nick would go ahead and issue one before the AGM.
It was agreed that if Tony does not attend the AGM that as a contingency another member would take the minutes.
The need for a new committee position to lead the Rovers involvement with the Northern Gateway Cycle Centre during the forthcoming year has become apparent. To keep the size of the
committee manageable it was felt one of the 4 general member positions that are not currently fully filled could be substituted for this new role during 2020. A proposal will be added to 2019 AGM agenda to reflect this.
The committee discussed the Vacant positions:
- Communication Team x 2
- Club Run Captain (Sandra Meadows to resign)
- T/T Secretary (John Loxley is happy to be nominated)
- MTB Secretary
- Website – (Justin Smith is happy to be nominated) (John Loxley to resign)
- 3 x members (Justin Smith to resign)
- Northern Gateway lead
Discussion took place with regard to forming of agendas for future meetings, reporting by secretaries, and the club rules surrounding the committee. The thoughts were to try and make meetings more effective and to the point.
Club committee members felt that the wording and expectations of item C of the club rules relating to the committee members may be preventing people from volunteering. It was felt by the committee that a the wording rule should be amended to reflect current expectations. Nick is going to check the rules and circulate an amendment which if agreed can be put forward as an amendment for the AGM.
It was agreed that there would be no change to club membership fees.
The committee did agree that it is necessary to put up the Time Trial fees for the 2020 season. this is to cover an increase in CTT levies which the club has to pay for each event. The single event fee would go up to £5.00 and a season ticket would be £75.00
The committee discussed the 2019 Hillclimb and why this “has” to be in August / early September. It was felt by those at the meeting that the 2019 event later in the year was successful and resulted in a greater number of club riders. The consensus was that we should look to run the Hillclimb event in autumn 2020 again possibly combining it with the Club AGM 2020. This will be subject to further discussion at by the committee during 2020.
The committee discussed the Club Manager facility that we use on the BC website and the fact that we have members missing. Nick now has a contact at BC and is looking into this.
2020 membership cards – James to sort this again.
Paul Meadows asked the committee to agree on a date for the 2020 Sportive. Paul suggested 2 dates 22nd and 29th March but as the first Club TT is on 29th March it was agreed that we would go with 22nd March for the Sportive. It was noted that the 22nd was Mothers Day, discussion regarding this lead to the consensus that opting for the 1st date would give an alternative if there was the need to postpone. We understand that this may not be ideal for all members but the lack of available dates meant that our choice was a little limited. We agreed that the funds made this year would go towards a Defibrillator at the Community Hall Located towards the top of North Hill
The club has made arrangements for up to 24 members to attend first aid courses. The course will be suitable for our new coaches and ride leaders as required by BC insurance. This will be arranged for a weekend in January 2020. Any empty spaces will be offered to the general membership.
Following a proposal by Nick, the committee agreed that it would be a nice if Richard or James Jackson were to present the “The Angel of the Rovers” those members that were able to help to James on the North Hill Saturday Club Run earlier in the year. Namely Peter Phillips, Nick Rowley and Stephen Horn. The committee agreed that the club would fund their attendance at the Dinner.
Meeting ended at 21:15