CRCC Executive Committee Meeting – February 2020

Colchester Rovers Cycling Club

Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting

Held at 19:30 hrs on Friday 7th February 2020 at

Boadicea Way Sports Complex, Boadicea Way, Colchester


1. Committee Members Present

Justin Smith, Joanne Smith, Linda Thompson, Paul Meadows, Sandra Meadows, Peter Hall, Jim Reed, Malcolm Hargreaves, Colin White, Nick Swainston, Maggie Hargreaves, John Loxley and David Triggs.

2. Apologies for Absence

Greg Andrews, Tom Starmer and James Baldwin.

3. Approval of previous Minutes

Proposed: Sandra Meadows
Seconded: Jim Reed

4. Matters Arising from previous Minutes

Nothing recorded.

5. Treasurer’s report

Maggie presented the accounts to the committee a copy of which is attached. Notes from Tom Starmer that the Youth bank account is now up and running with Lloyds bank. Maggie informed the committee that we are also going to try and transfer the main club account to Lloyds.

6. Dinner 2020

It was felt that having a band had not quite worked in that although the Band was very good there was not much interest. We have tried having music to get up to dance to and it seems there is not a lot of interest for this type of evening.

Maggie asked for feed back from the committee on how they felt about the venue/meal. The opinion was that it was good but the hotel had let us down with regard to the vegetarian meal. Sandra’s table had to ask for the vegetarian option to be served as it had not been put out with the buffet.

Maggie is going to feed this back to the hotel and ask why it was not on the table with the rest of the buffet.

7. Jock Wadley

Malcolm updated the Committee and was quite concerned that we only had 36 entries to date with only a week to go to the closing date. There are not many sponsored teams anymore and Malcolm thought this was why numbers were low. The committee discussed ways to advertise the Wadley more. Malcom will ask the Chairman of the ERRL to put it on the Forum. Justin agreed to put out a tweeter. If numbers do not increase substantially in the next few days then we can also extend the closing date.

All the officials and Marshalls are now in place.

8. Tony Asplin

Colin told the committee that he had been in touch with Tony and that he would still like to be involved with the club. Colin suggested a post of Equipment Secretary. Tony holds a lot of the club equipment at his home and it would make sense to keep it there.

Nick suggested that we co-opt Tony onto the Committee with a view to reviewing this before the AGM. The committee agreed unanimously.

Colin to feed this back to Tony.

9. Time Trials

John asked the club to buy 2 Tablets for the recording of the time trials and also some rear back lights as this is now a requirement to ride. John will look into this but it is thought that the Tablets are around £250 each. The committee agreed this would be a good investment.

The committee also agreed to buy 6 back lights.

John said that we also need a spreadsheet for volunteers. He will put this together and email it out. We also need a Come and Try it possibly on the Tendring course. Jim Reed said that he would be happy to lead a Come and Try it.

John will also look at the number of qualifying rounds because last year we only had 4 people qualified. We may even need a road bike only event.

10. A.O.B.

  • David put to the committee that we need to have a planning meeting for 2021 and a discussion about future years. It was agreed that we would put this on the agenda for May.
  • David Also thanked all who were involved with the dinner.
  • Nick informed the committee that the ERRL 2020 will include 6/7 ladies races, one being on the Wadley course. We should put this out to the membership so that the ladies are aware of these races.
  • Nick informed the committee that he had spoken to Greg Andrews about the Youth riders when Northern gateway is opened. Greg will speak to John Stockwell to see if we can possibly go to the Northern Gateway in the next few months and have a walk around the site


The meeting closed at 21.06.


Margaret Hargreaves
Colchester Rovers CC