CRCC Executive Committee Meeting – January 2021

Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday 8th January 2021
Held as “Zoom” Meeting.


1. Committee Members Present:

Paul Meadows, Phil Read, Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, John Loxley, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, Joanne Smith, David Triggs, Peter Hall and Colin White (by telephone)

2. Apologies for Absence:

Jim Reed, Paul Goldsmith, Greg Andrews and Sandra Meadows

3. Approval of previous Minutes

Proposed: Colin white
Seconded: Paul Meadows

4. Matters Arising from previous Minutes

5. Treasurers Report

Maggie presented the Treasurers report, a copy of which was sent to committee members. Nothing else to report..

6. Membership

New Members are:

Mr Martyn Armstrong
Master Fraser Ashcroft

Colin said that he had liaised with James and that it was looking like the New Membership cards would be a month late. We could possibly have them by the end of January. Colin to let Nick know when the cards are received.

7. Welfare Officer

Line has requested to stand down. We need 2 new officers; Nick has put this in the questionnaire. Nick is also hoping to hold a Youth meeting in the next week or so and will raise the matter with them also. Nick will also ask Tom if he is still happy to stand as their chairman. David suggested sending a message to the Youth Group.

Nick is also going to ask Line if she is willing to continue as Welfare Office in this interim period so that we can be compliant with BC affiliation

8. Membership Questionnaire.

Nick has put together a questionnaire for the membership. Nick went through with the committee the questionnaire and asked for our comments. A number of changes where agreed and Nick will amend the questionnaire and forward it to the committee before he
Distributes it to the membership. (Nick has now done this and the questionnaire has been sent to the membership)

David asked if this is something that we could share with other Colchester Clubs bearing in mind the Northern Gateway Facility.

9. Letter to Amphora Trading re the Northern Gateway Cycle Facility

Nick is in the process of drafting a letter to Amphora Trading re the Northern Gateway. Nick will forward the letter to the committee for their comments. Nick is hoping to get the letter to the committee by next week.

10. A.O.B.

Colin mentioned that he had attended the funeral of Sylvia Keeble together with Derek Snowling and Malcolm and Maggie Hargreaves and that the club had been well represented.

The committed agreed to make a donation of £50.00 to both Sylvia and Mac McDermott’s
Chosen charity. Maggie will get this sorted. (now completed)

John said that he had received an email from the CTT informing him that the date of the
March TT might well have to be put back. The TT programme has been approved but they
still have to re-submit to the police. Nick said that we do need to know when they are
going to re-submit we need CTT to confirm this.

David informed the committee that he has found some First Aid Courses. There is one
Being held on 29th January 2021 at a cost of £80 per person. It is a 6hr course. Nick
Said that he did get some quotes last year and would forward these to David

Paul asked about a virtual Sportive as an alternative the committee felt this was a
Good idea.

The meeting closed at 8.32pm

Date of next meeting 5th February 2021



Margaret Hargreaves
Colchester Rovers Cycling Club