CRCC Executive Committee Meeting – March 2021

Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday 5th March, 2021
Held as “Zoom” Meeting.


1. Committee Members Present:

Paul Meadows, Phil Read, Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, Joanne Smith, David Triggs, Greg Andrews, Sandra Meadows, Tom Starmer, Stuart Thompson, Linda Thompson, Paul Goldsmith, John Loxley and Colin White (by telephone)

2. Apologies for Absence:

Jim Reed, Peter Hall and James Baldwin

3. Approval of previous Minutes

Proposed: Phil Read
Seconded: Sandra Meadows

4. Matters Arising from previous Minutes

5. Treasurers Report

Maggie presented the Treasurers report. Nick said that he had now picked up the bikes from VCR and that he had arranged payment from the Youth account. The monies to be deducted from the amount owed to the main account.

6. Membership

No new members. There have been a lot of renewals and the total paid membership at present stands at 148. Colin now has the cards for 2021. Nick said that he would put a message out to the membership reminding them that their renewal is due.

Colin has been busy distributing cards and Nick said that if Colin needed help with this, he was more than happy to help.

7. Survey Results

Nick informed the committee that he had about 100 responses. It was agreed that we should carry this over to the next month after we have all had time to review the responses.

Nick had received some recommendations from David and we will discuss these further next month.

8. Northern Gateway

Nick, Tom and Greg have had a meeting with Kevin Ball who showed them around the facility and the circuit. There is a slight rise on the circuit. They had some concerns over one corner and this is being addressed. They have been quoted £94.00 per hour/session and are waiting for the full programme of costs to be released.

Greg showed the committee a copy of the circuit. Grass track was also raised and there may well be other areas within the facility that could be used for the grass track. This will be looked at possibly for next year.

The committee agreed that COVID permitting we would still use Boadicea Way for this year’s grass track.

Nick said that there had been a virtual public meeting on Monday. It was a meeting to bring people up to speed with a question and answer session afterwards.

BC are quite keen to know how we would use Northern Gateway. Greg has done a plan and will forward this to the committee.

Possibly join up with other clubs (VCR) to run joint ventures. There will be a follow up meeting in 3 to 4 weeks. As soon as the pricing is available BC will forward this to the clubs.

Greg informed the committee hat they are going to have a meeting with VCR next Wednesday to discuss things and the way forward.

9. Restarting TT

John informed the committee that we are going to lose one event and that we should be able to Start from 11th April. The programme is as per the original schedule sent out by John earlier in the year. We also need to get a spreadsheet sent out for volunteers. Nick/John will email the list of events and have it published on the Website/Facebook page.

10. A.O.B.

Greg asked when club runs would be restarting. Jo said that they were hoping to restart them and were looking at the Easter weekend

Possibly 2 rides and groups would be 8 to 10.

Paul said that there would possibly be an Autumn Sportive.

Tom is setting up coaching for the Youth and where possible will manage these digitally.

The date of the Hillclimb has been agreed as 7th October.

David has now completed his first aid course along with 7 others.

Nick said that we should put together an agenda for the AGM and will discuss this at the
Next meeting.

Paul raised the point of road races and whether the Abberton RR would take place.
Possibly arrange a meeting with Nick/Malcolm/Maggie and Greg to see how we move this

Nick said that the National Grass track meeting that was due to take place in June is
Unlikely to happen. We are awaiting further information from BC.

Peter Phillips has put himself forward to be the Mountain Bike Secretary. The committee
Agreed to co-opt Peter onto the Committee for this position until such times as we can
have an AGM .

Colin informed the committee of the death of Ian Coles.

Nick informed the committee that he had been contacted by James Leathers who is a
Physio and he has offered all club members a 20% discount. Nick will issue further
Details and post on the website/Facebook. The committee agreed to this. James
Website is

The meeting closed at 9.18pm

Date of next meeting 9th April 2021


Margaret Hargreaves
Colchester Rovers Cycling Clu