Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday 15th August, 2022
Stanway Village Hall

  1. Committee Members Present:

Greg Andrews, Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, , Nick Rowley, Peter Hall, Tom Starmer, Kelly Phillips, Jo Smith, David Triggs, Stuart Anderson

  1. Apologies for Absence:

Matt Haigh, Nicky Swainston, Paul Meadows, Sandra Meadows

  1. Approval of Previous Minutes Proposed by Stuart Anderson
    Seconded by Justin Smith
  2. Matters Arising from previous Minutes None
  3. Treasurers Report

Maggie presented the Treasurers report. At present the club monies stand at a very healthy £43,826.85. Funds received this month of £2926.20 which was made up of membership subs online. Sum Up payments together with £1923.00 from Centurion races and £326.96 eventbrite. Monies withdrawn £2971.28 made up of payments to NGW, Greg Andrews for the Centurion races, Ride Leaders course, Medals celebration night, David Potter Scotland Trip.

Nick (Chairman) said that he is hoping to organize a Social evening for the TT at the Black Boy in Weeley and asked if the club would cover the costs of a buffet. The Committee agreed unanimously. (This took place on 17th August and was well attended)

  1. Membership

The committee accepted the following new members into the club. Miss Chloe Dodsworth, Sandra Hill, Daniel Peacock, Master Kenneth Peacock and Kelly Peacock.

  1. Road/Circuit racing

Greg said that the numbers for the next Centurion/Tony Asplin Memorial Race are down especially the Youth with only 4 under 10s, 4 under 12s. With this in mind Greg requested that we cancel the morning races and just run the afternoon races although the numbers for these races are also low. Greg is hoping that nearer the time the afternoon races should start to fill up with possibly many entries on the line. Malcolm asked how many entries had been received for the 4th cat only race. Greg said that up to date they had 10 registered but was expecting entries on the line.

Greg asked if the Committee agreed to the cancelling of the morning races and the Committee agreed unanimously. Therefore it was agreed that the races would commence at 12pm

  1. TT

The last race of the season is Scheduled for the 17th August but Nick (Chairman) is unsure that it will happen because of road works on the course but will let us know as soon as possible. The TT social will go ahead on this date at the Blackboy, Weeley. Nick (Chairman) said that we may well have to cancel the Memorial 25 if the road works are not finished. Nick (Chairman) will keep us updated. Nick (Chairman) said that he is hoping to hold another TT at NGW on Friday (Social Evening) and will confirm this shortly. Nick (Chairman) said that he has pretty much sorted the club championship.

Nick (Chairman) said that we need to advertise for a TT Secretary ready for next season. Nick has done most of the work this season but we really need a Secretary that is committed and will take on this role.

Nick (Chairman) said that TT is proving more popular. We had 18 signing up for races at the beginning of the season and last week at 34. Members are becoming more engaging. Nick (Chairman) said that he would like to set next year’s calendar by the end of October.

Peter said that it would be good to have an open 25 next year and perhaps drop one of the other open events. Nick (Chairman) said that he will look into this. Peter said that the London East date fixing meeting is to be held on 9th October at Great Leighs and said that it would be good to have a representative from the club. Kelly offered to attend the meeting on behalf of the club.

  1. Succession/Management Planning

Much discussion took place around the roles of the Committee and it was agreed that next month we would set aside the agenda and just have a meeting to discuss this further. We need to know what each role is and the responsibilities involved. It was felt by all that we need a full Committee meeting to do this.

Nick (Chairman) said that we also need to set a date for the Club date fixing.

Maggie asked when will be having our AGM. The Committee agreed that we will hold it on 18th November (Social evening at NGW). The meeting will commence after the track session.

10 A.O.B.

     Peter said that things were going well for the Cyclo x event on 2nd October and he was 90   
     percent sure that we can have Abbey fields and we could use the TA Centre as the HQ.

    Tom said that all is going well with the Youth but announced that he would be standing 
    down as Chairman at the AGM. The Committee gave a personal thank you to Tom for all 
    his hard work.

    Greg showed the Committee the dates that he was proposing for the Club Counting Cyclo       
    Cross Championship.  The Committee agreed the dates.  Please see below.

     The dates ringed are the counting rounds.

      Malcolm told the Committee that he had emailed Kevin Bentley with regard to the 
      situation at NGW.  Kevin Bentley has informed Malcolm that the person to talk to
      is David King, and that he has forwarded Malcolm’s email to him.   We are awaiting
      a reply.

      Nick (Chairman) said that we need to look at the committee posts that are becoming
      vacant and advertise as soon as possible.  (Hence the next meeting to focus on roles)

Nick (Chairman) said that Nicky has agreed to organise the Celebration night again
next year.

     The meeting closed at 8.59pm

     Date of next meeting Monday 12th September

    Margaret Hargreaves