Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday 13th March, 2023
At Stanway Village Hall
- Committee Members Present:
Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Kelly Phillips, Colin White, Stuart Anderson, Tom Starmer, Ray Robins, Peter Hall, Nick Rowley, Elaine Rowley, Nick Swainston, Paul Meadows
- Apologies for Absence:
Nicky Swainston , Helen Arnold, Greg Andrews, Matt Haigh, Justin Smith
- Approval of Previous Minutes Proposed by Kelly Phillips
Seconded by Colin White - Matters Arising from previous Minutes None
- Treasurers Report
Maggie presented the Club accounts. We are still in a very healthy position with the present balance sitting at £40,083.05. Total monies paid in this month was £1534.04 and withdrawn £1746.82. The monies paid in were club membership fees and a Donation of £1,000 from the late Alistair Day. Withdrawals was mainly coaching course fees and new membership cards.
Tom raised the question as to why we have such a small amount in the savings account (£8555.76 currently) Maggie said this was before we received an inheritance amount from the Late Tony Asplin and had not looked to increase/transfer further funds from the current account. Maggie will look into other Banks Building Societies for a better rate (this will of course be dependent on it running as a treasurers account)
Nick asked if there was any further news on new bike boxes. Stuart is looking into this. The Committee agreed to purchase 2 more. It was agreed that the charge to a club member would be £20.00 per box. Nick Rowley asked about purchasing our own transponder system. Nick said that he would first of all like to get to the bottom of why we cannot use the transponders at NGW and will push them for a reply. Nick explained that the system is expensive with an annual update required each year.
- New Members
Since the last meeting we have had 4 New Members: Tracy Munford, Rhys Morgan, Gary Nunn, Dean Wiltshire and 10 renewals. Colin said that he had distributed 80 cards.
- Road/Circuit racing
Greg sent his apologies but confirmed the following dates. 1st Centurion race 18th June 2023, The Tony Asplin Memorial Race 15th July and 2nd Centurion race 2nd September 2023.
Maggie presented the draft accounts for the Jock Wadley. Overall we made a profit of £345.27. This was mainly due to the fact that this year the hire of the Village Hall was only £55.00 compared with £350 last year.
Malcolm said the Wadley had gone extremely well with a lot of very positive feed back. Malcolm thanked everyone for all their help.
Paul raised the question as to why there was not much publicity and nothing on the website. After much discussion it was agreed that we need to make sure that in future years this is addressed. One idea is to have a dedicated media officer just for the Wadley.
Nick Rowley said that he has been asked if it was possible to put on a National B ladies race. Nick said that this is really dependent upon the Region.
Tom said that Isaac who had been helping with the signing on had had a great day and did not want it to end. Colchester Rovers should be very proud of putting on such an amazing event.
- TT
Nick Rowley said that the TT meeting went very well. He said that the 50 date is going to have to be moved. Nick said that we may well get the Tendring course back sooner than anticipated. Marshalling duties are looking very positive. Kelly said that Doug had sent a possible course, Nick has looked at it and this is a possible. The calendar is being adjusted to reflect the changes.
- Reliability Ride
Paul asked are we going to let the funds go to the Youth or a charity. Tom said that the Youth is ok at the moment. It was discussed that perhaps we could split the monies with half going to the Motor Neuron Disease Charity on behalf of the late Jim Reed and half to the Youth. Paul asked what are we going to charge this year and after some discussion it was agreed that we would charge £8.00. Paul said that this year we would have soup and roll again and perhaps hotdogs and sausage rolls. Any cakes would be welcome. Routes are on the website. Paul said that we would be putting out a post for helpers soon.
- A.O.B.
Ray said that he is going to get a coaching session set up at NGW for the Saturday riders and will be looking to book the circuit soon (a date of 15th April has been submitted to NGW). Nick said that Thursday nights are planning to go ahead but having problems getting VCR to confirm. Nick will chase them. Ray said the Octopus is going ahead on 26th March and Nick asked if Ray needed any help or support from the club just too let us know. Nick said that he had been speaking to Lorraine, Alistair Day’s wife at the Wadley and Lorraine said that Alistair was buried at Layer Church and would have loved the Wadley. Maggie said that she had also spoken to Lorraine and that she is hoping to get out to a Saturday ride and was going to treat the riders to coffee and cake in memory of Alistair. Nick said that he had been talking to the Chairman of West Suffolk Wheelers and that they had problems on their Saturday rides and asked if Nick had any advice. Nick said that club nights would commence again in March and Paul asked about a possible bike jumble again maybe in April. Kelly asked about an Accredited Marshalling course as she together with Elaine, Nick and Stuart would all be very interested. Maggie said that Kelly should contact Ian Doe who is now running courses as requested.
Malcolm raised the point about succession planning as Nick will be standing down as
Chairman this year and Maggie is standing down as Secretary. Nick said that he will publish
something in the next few months to the membership explaining what the roles consists of.
Nick said that any new Chairman would not have to do all that he does. Maggie informed the Committee that the date of the next meeting was scheduled for
Monday 10th April (Easter Monday). And asked what day they would like the meeting moved
To. It was agreed to move the meeting to Tuesday 11th April. We also have the same
situation in May as it is the Kings coronation. It was agreed to move the May meeting
to Tuesday 9th May. Maggie to confirm with Stanway Village Hall change of dates. (dates
have now been confirmed). Next meeting will be Tuesday 11th April. The meeting closed at 8.57pm
Margaret Hargreaves
Club Secretary