Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday 2nd April, 2024
At Stanway Village Hall

  1. Committee Members Present:

Justin Smith, Helen Arnold, Kelly Phillips, Colin White, Paul Meadows, Matt Haigh, Colin Foster, Jonathon, Ray Robins, Jacqui Mortlock, Jonathon Whall, Nick Swainston (Chair)

  1. Apologies for Absence: Margaret Hargreaves, Malcolm Hargreaves, Simon Wilson, Perry Taylor, Greg Andrews, Elaine Rowley, Nick Rowley, Nicky Swainston, Tom Starmer
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
    Proposed by Paul Meadows
    Seconded by Jacqui Mortlock
  3. Matters Arising from previous Minutes – Refer to action points.
  4. Actions from previous minutes:

MAH has spoken to Robert Wood about the youth account – completed – 2nd Signature still required?
HA,JS,NS website form access move to Aprils action points – Accidents and Emergency procedure still awaited – NS (Will this automatically retain a copy for club records?)
MAH & NS track nights to start the first Thursday night of April with VCR. – On Everbrite for booking, One month at a time displayed, bookings open on Friday am until Wednesday 8pm each week.
JS waiting on NS for club records to post on website – NS next job after TT results
KP sent out survey results to all committee members – Suggestion of sending report of survey report to all club members with a working party to achieve this (See below). Press/media releases for Jock Wadley completed including our website.
KP liaising with Terry Byrne about his Tour of Divide attempt – currently ongoing.
KP also advised due to scheduling conflicts that the TT celebration night has been postponed – results compilation ongoing.
NS/JS – historic records to website – still ongoing with NS to pass to Kelly.
NS – contact Carl Day re JW sponsorship – Did he decline to sponsor after showing interest?
GA/NS – New podium approved at mid range cost – awaiting update on signage.
NS/JS/HA – Update details of bike box hire – HA to provide details (email sent 5/4/24) Can we email to all members also?
JS – Set up google drive for actions diary – turned out not possible.
MH – Paying in book for CW
SW – Configure ‘sum-up’ machines for new bank details
CW – To provide list of members he knew who required membership card. (Are they required for outlets that offer a discount? Would ‘Spond’ provide proof of membership?)
CW – Did Colin provide answer to parking for JW at Shrub End field for grass track 30/6/24; Will course be marked for Chris Douglas 13/5/24?
RR – Suggestion of working parties to pick up on points raised by survey/development meeting (Communication/Website/Group Rides/Clickiness)
RR – Document from Ray regarding issues not discussed.
NS/JM – Welfare email address set up – KP and HA advised they could assist to get this onto iPhone for JM if details were available.
JS – Track time had been offered at Velodrome – question raised as to any age limitations, JS to investigate.
NS – to contact Greg to discuss the Centurion Race 26/5/24
JS – To offer date at NGW for website updating.

  1. Treasurers Report – As per MH report. Paid in £9792.09, Withdrawn £8598.90, Current account balance £10897.77 (Savings interest this month £66.41) Transfer from interest account £5000; Total funds stand at £36009.88 Funds from youth account £5708.06, Paid in £9792.09 (Membership, Youth account, Jock Wadley, Savings account) Money with drawn £8598.90 (Youth kit, Jock Wadley, Youth account) (Jock Wadley approx. £3450 to run, entries raised approx. £2800, sponsorship from NS employer £375)
  2. Reliability Ride – 21st April 2024. Discussion held on why Reliability as opposed to Sportive. Entry costs confirmed at £8 in advance and £10 on the day. Requests for cakes and marshals shall be released shortly. Enquiry to be made on Youth FB Page for interest in family ride. (Costs after meeting agreed at £10 online and £12 on the day)
  3. Road/Circuit Races – 26/5/24 Centurion Race at CNG. (Medical and welfare cover to be sorted) Greg requested stand in assistance as unable to be there on the day. NS said he thought whoever organised it up must attend on the day. NS to contact Greg to discuss.
  4. TT – Diary of events of our TT’s now published. Open 10 due 7/4/24 all looking good with entries and volunteers. Possibility of ‘Posse’ routing to village hall on their ride. Volunteering spreadsheet should be out w/c 2/4/24 from NS. Entries currently going onto Eventbrite, looking at ‘Spond’ after a testing period. NS still working on results now he has cleared Jock Wadley. Once results done celebration/presentation will be revisited. First TT 10th April 2024. Events calendar to go on website – NS
  5. Membership – 13 New members (One second claim) Discussion on the difficulty of using BC site to join. Led again to possibilities of using ‘Spond’ app. If we went to ‘Spond’ we could look at suggesting Cycling UK membership for insurance purposes (possibly cheaper than BC). Discussion around the costs of using Eventbrite to collect payments from members for membership and events. May prove cheaper and tidier than BC and Eventbrite combination we currently use.
  6. Youth – Track session to start 6-7pm before adult members at NGW. Grass track events scheduled for May 2024.
  7. A.O.B

HA/KP and JM all three to act as Doping Control Chaperones for Ride London Events over three days at end of May 2024.
JS – advised club had been contacted by ‘Link My Ride’ this may however not cover payment collection.
NS – Further discussion of ‘Spond’ App. General cycling enquiries can be made on the Colchester community cycling page. Rovers therefore seem to possibly miss out on members as we do not offer an open page. NS will send link to all committee for ‘Spond’ App.
NS – Club Kit needs a new supplier possibly as NS is having problems with our current supplier. All suggestions welcome.
JM – Tendring Cycle club are organising an event to replace the Tour Of Tendring as none of the entry goes to charity.
NS – Suggested semi relaunch of website to update all information. JS – Justin to offer an evening at NGW for willing committee members to help review and adjust.
RR – will have a meet with MH as stepping away a little due to holidays etc. Working group suggested to continue ride development. Discussion on how to deal with continued misconduct offenders, rules of engagement, do we need a ride booking cut off etc.
JS – asked if March minutes ok to take up to website. It was agreed they were.

Date of next meeting is Tuesday 7th May 2024.

    The meeting closed at 9.00pm 
    Helen Arnold
    Club Secretary
    Colchester Rovers CC
    Telephone 07746 623798