Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday 7th May 2021
Held as “Zoom” Meeting.
1. Committee Members Present:
Paul Meadows, Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, Joanne Smith, David Triggs, Greg Andrews, Sandra Meadows, Stuart Thompson, Linda Thompson, Peter Hall, Peter Phillips, Phillip Read, James Baldwin and Colin White (by telephone)
2. Apologies for Absence:
Tom Starmer, John Loxley and Jim Reed
3. Approval of previous Minutes
Proposed: Sandra Meadows
Seconded: Colin White
4. Matters Arising from previous Minutes
5. Treasurers Report
Maggie presented the Treasurers report and asked the committee to consider if the monies that are owed to the club account from the Youth i.e. £2752.81 be used for the Youth. In which case these monies will remain with the Youth. It was felt by the committee that these funds could be well utilised in the form of more coaches and assistance with NGW.
The committee voted and it was carried unanimously
Greg said that we should be investing in our riders of the future and that coaches should not just be for the Youth but the club also. Anyone showing interest in RR or circuit racing please let Greg know.
Greg is working with Paul Goldsmith and it was felt that we now also need a Circuit Secretary and Greg is more that happy to take this on. It will be formally created as a post at the AGM.
Colin raised the point of a season ticket for TT and what the cost would be. Nick said that as we only charge £5.00 and Levies are £4.00 the club does not achieve very much income and would a season ticket be viable.
James said why not just do a block booking of 10 at a cost of £50.00 for those who want to book in advance.
It was agreed to go with James idea.
6. Membership
Maggie read out the list of new members. Mr D Allen, Mr B Collins, Miss A Colebrook, Mr I Dockney, Mr N Eden, Mr B Myers, Mster A Douglas, Master J Blackberry, Mr M Steinwand, Mr S Clarke, Mrs S Clarke, Master J Clarke, Ms I Clarke, Miss C Allen,
Mr M Wells.
Our membership at present stands at 283.
Colin said that this month had been an extremely difficult month with the passing of Tony Asplin. The Committee wished to thank Colin for all his help in sorting things. Stuart asked if we should put something in the paper. Nick and Colin are going to put something together and see if we can get this published.
Peter asked if we could do something annually to remember Tony perhaps a Cup or something. Maybe a bench at Northern Gateway or even a sportive in his name. Colin said that the date of the funeral was set for 9th June. Colin will have a look at storage for the items that are being held at Tony’s
7. Northern Gateway
Greg gave an update on Northern Gateway. There will be a taster session and a joint session with VCR next week. They are already fully booked. Greg said that we are hoping for 60 rider fields very soon we are just awaiting BC and NGW to advise.
Nick said that the first club night will be 21st May.
Paul said that he is hoping to start the Sportive from there in October and will be contacting Kevin Ball with regard to the hiring of a room. Paul asked if we had bought the gazebo yet. Nick said that he is looking into this and will be speaking with Jo Warren with regard the design.
Greg has been talking to Ian Mansel Thomas and Tofati Everyone Active and have agreed as a joint venture to run an autumn series of races. This would include Youth and Adults.
The dates are as follows:
Saturday 18th September, 2021
Saturday 2nd October 2021
Saturday 16th October 2021
Saturday 30th October 2021
These dates to be added to the club calendar.
8. Youth
Nick had received an email from Tom with an update on the Youth and read this to the committee.
9. AGM
After discussion the committee agreed a date of Friday 16th July to hold our AGM.
10. Club Questionnaire
Nick will publish the results shortly. The main issues being communication / activity. David asked if when we do publish it, we also publish what the committee are doing in response to it. This possibly to be an AGM item also.
Nick will put something together and group people to work on a response.
11. A.O.B.
The committee agreed that Peter Phillips the Mountain Bike Secretary should attend the Mountain Bike Leader Course. Peter is more than happy to attend and will book himself onto the course. Peter to forward invoice to Maggie for payment.
Nick informed the committee that the National Track Bike Race due to take place on 20th June still us unable to have any spectators. Nick is therefore very reluctant to run the event as we still have COVID restrictions. It was felt that as a responsible club we really should not run it this year. Nick will make a decision shortly. The committee will support Nick whatever his decision is.
Malcolm informed the committee that he and Maggie are marshalling a trial RR in Norfolk on 16th May. Malcolm asked if TT and RR could be agenda items in the future. It was agreed that they should be.
Greg will be taking with Tofauti Everyone Active with regard to some form of branding for the Autumn Series. The committee agreed that we would make a donation of between £200 and £250 towards this.
James asked if we could put our branding up at Northern Gateway. Nick said we can only have our branding up when holding our sessions.
Jo said that club runs are going well. Sunday Posse also increasing in numbers.
The meeting closed at 9.11pm
Date of next meeting 4th June 2021
Margaret Hargreaves