Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday, 7th January, 2022
Meeting was held by Zoom
1. Committee Members Present:
Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith,Sandra Meadows, Paul Meadows.Colin White, (by phone) Nick Rowley and Nicky Swainston, Jo Smith, Phil Read, Kelly Phillips, Greg Andrews, Peter Hall and Mike Pears (guest)
2. Apologies for Absence:
Matthew Heigh, David Triggs and Tom Starmer
3. Approval of Previous Minutes
Proposed by Sandra Meadows
Seconded by Colin White
4. Matters Arising from previous Minutes
5. Treasurers Report
Maggie presented the Treasurers report. At present the club monies stand at a very healthy £41947.87. Maggie explained to the committee that this balance was due to a £25,000 legacy left to the club by the late Tony Asplin and a sum of £1702.09 from the just giving page of the late Alistair Day.
Maggie informed the Committee that she had sent a cheque to Little Baddow Parish Council for £1000.00 and that she had received an email confirming receipt. This is to fund the defibrillator on North Hill.
Maggie asked the committee to consider giving £5,000 to the youth account so that they too would benefit from both of the recent legacies.
It was the opinion of the Committee that we should speak to Tom Starmer first and ask what their position is at the present time. We should ask what it is that the youth need.
It was also felt that this should be an agenda item for the next Youth Committee meeting. Nick (chairman) said that he would speak to Tom and get back to us.
Colin raised the point of the cost at the Northern Gateway for the youth and why is it that Schools get their sessions free. Jo said that the Schools do not get it free. It costs them £52 which is a half of what we pay. Nick (chairman) said that he is going to speak to NGW.
Peter said that he would soon be submitting the accounts for the Cyclo X and that it was looking like a profit of around £700.
Greg said that the costs for the Centurion races was looking like a loss of around £400 and that he is in the process of finalising the accounts. Greg said that the sponsorship really helped. Colin said that the main thing is putting on the races and that we are not looking to make a profit.
Greg said that a small amount of the prize money was being donated to charity. Peter also said that he had some monies that were being donated also not a massive amount. Peter said that he would like to donate this to Support Cardio in the Young. Colin said also a good cause would be the Motor Neuron Decease (Jim Reed has recently been diagnosed with this). Sandra said how about some equipment at NGW. Nick (chairman)
Said that was a good idea but this could be funded from the club.
After some further discussion it was felt by the committee that we should leave any donations up to the race organisers to decide who should benefit.
Nick (chairman) said that we have recently purchased 2 gazebos for the club.
6. Membership
Maggie read out the list of new members. Mr Tom Dormant, Mr Brett Craddock,
Mr Matin Collins and Miss Freya Ballard.
Nick (chairman) is in the process of sorting new cards and apologized for the delay. This was due to the fact that both Nick and Nicky have had COVID. Nick (chairman) will get this sorted and it should not be too much longer before we have the cards.
Justin has been sorting an online system whereby you will have a barcode (Justin will send the barcode to the membership) that you can download and present at retailers. It was agreed that we need to let retailers know of this and Justin will write/email them. Nick (chairman) said we should run both systems for this year.
7. Runners v Riders
Mike said that it had gone very well. The cost was £445 MOD, £200 First Aid. Mike said that he received £297 from Eventbrite and nearly £100 cash on the day. Mike had also received some donations. Mike is in the process of doing a spreadsheet and will forward this to John Hyland (runners).
Colin said a well done to Mike. Mike said that if everyone had signed on in advance it would have helped. The Committee gave a big thank you to Mike for all his hard work in organizing the event. Mike left the meeting.
8. Road/Circuit
Greg said that judging by the success this year he has now set 3 dates for the series and also a date for the Tony Asplin Memorial race. Greg said that he had sent an email round and just wanted to confirm that there were no clashes with Time Trials.
Nick (chairman) said that John has produced a calendar. Greg said that he will speak to NGW about the dates and will come back to Committee once confirmed. Greg said that the only possible clash could be 9th July but will let us know.
Greg confirmed that he is happy to run the series again and the Tony Asplin Memorial.
Nick (chairman) said that he had received an email from Marshall Crow and he is keen to work with us with regard to adult coaching. He is also keen to include other local clubs. Kelly said it was a good idea and that she knows of riders that would be interested. Nick (chairman) will make contact with other clubs.
9. Jock Wadley
Malcolm said that he and Maggie had been to the Paxman Academy and confirmed this as the race HQ. A start time of 11.00 am has been agreed. Malcolm has done a course check and there were just a few minor repairs needed. (since the meeting Malcolm has carried out a second check and there are substantial repairs needed. Malcolm has been in touch with Highways and these are being addressed.)
Nick (chairman) said that he is happy to do the programme again. Greg confirmed he would do a lead car or assistant commissaire. Nicky said that she is happy to do the kitchen again and Zoe is happy to help with the signing on.
Nick (Rowley) is going to promote on social media.
Malcolm said that the entry fee this year is £30.00 or £35 entry on the line
10 TT
John was not in attendance. Nick (chairman) said that we do need to finalise the dates as
Soon as possible. There is a calendar but this does need discussing. Kelly said that we
Need a meeting with John and Matt so that we can get this sorted. Nick (chairman) is
Going to speak to John and Matt and try and organize a meeting.
Peter said that he is happy to organize the 47 just need to agree a date.
11 Sportive
Paul has a date of 20th March and this will be a reliability ride and not a sportive. Paul is
Going to run the Sportive in the Autumn. Paul would like Nick (Rowley) to do the publicity
For both events
It will be run from the NGW. Paul said that he will adjust the rate slightly and sort
The entry online. Paul asked the committee to be thinking of a Charity.
12. A.O.B
Nick (chairman) welcomed Kelly on to the Committee.
Nicky said that she had organized a session at the Velodrome on 5th February, 2022.
Nicky will be contacting those who have put their names forward shortly. Nicky
confirmed that the Annual Club Night would be 5th March at the Rugby Club.
Jo asked if the money raised for Alistair could be used to fund a new
Defibrillator in a new location bearing in mind that the Sportive had already
funded a defibrillator at North Hill. The committee agreed that this was a
good idea
Jo is going to look for a new location and will feed back to the committee
Paul said that he had been organising a team TT on Swift and this was going
Very well he had had 4 teams this week. Paul said that there is always room
For more if they wanted to join in.
Maggie asked about the post of Welfare Officer and explained that really
We need 2 volunteers. Nick (Rowley) said that he would put this out to the
Membership. (Since the meeting Maggie has been contacted by Caitlin Douglas
And she is very keen to take up one of the posts)
Malcolm mentioned the Highway Code changes that will take effect from 29th
January 2022. This has also been published on facebook.
Justin asked if there is anything that he can do for Kelly with regard to her role
As Social Secretary. Nick (chairman) asked Kelly if she could write an article for
The Website about taking on this role.
Nick (chairman) asked if we could have the Club Website as an agenda item for
the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.48 pm
Date of next meeting is Friday 4th February, 2022
Margaret Hargreaves