Colchester Rovers Cycling Club

Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday, 4th February, 2022
Stanway Village Hall

  1. Committee Members Present:

Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, Colin White, Nick Rowley, Nicky Swainston, Kelly Phillips and Peter Hall

  1. Apologies for Absence:

David Triggs, Tom Starmer, Joanne Smith, Paul Meadows, Sandra Meadows and Greg Andrews

  1. Approval of Previous Minutes Proposed by Colin White
    Seconded by Kelly Phillips
  2. Matters Arising from previous Minutes None
  3. Treasurers Report

Maggie presented the Treasurers report. At present the club monies stand at a very healthy £40,960.38. Funds received this month of £1130.59 which was made up of membership subs and sum up payments. Monies withdrawn £2118.22 this included the £1000.00 to Little Baddow Parish Council for the defibrillator. There had been a little interest on the savings account of £0.14p.

Nick (chairmain) raised the point of welfare officer and confirmed that Elaine Rowley, Jacquie Mortlock and Caitlin Douglas had all agreed to become welfare officers. Maggie said that she had spoken to British Cycling and confirmed that all 3 nominations would be standing as Welfare Officers with Jacquie Mortlock taking the Lead. The club will fund any necessary course.

  1. Membership

Maggie informed the committee of the new members and Colin read out the names. They are Mrs Kerry OShea, Miss Karen Saunders, Mr Nicholas Flexman, Mr Adrian Foley, Mr Gareth Stewart, Mr Shane Beatty, Alana Barden-Beatty, Jack Barde-Beatty and Amiee Barden-Beatty

  1. Website

Justin has now full access on the website. Nick (chairman) said that he is thinking of changing the way we contact members. Nick has now subscribed to “Sending Blue” and is possibly thinking of using this system in the future. Nick said that he just needs to look at the Data Protection issue before moving forward with this.

  1. Road/Circuit

Maggie read out an email from Greg with his apologies and went through the accounts that he had submitted for the Northern Gateway Series. The club made a small profit of £76.00 (but this did not include the event banners or catering).

  1. Jock Wadley

Malcolm gave an update on the event having received 59 entries to date (as of 21st February, entries were 114 very much over subscribed). All officials and marshals are now in place.

10 TT

     Nick (chairman) has spoken to John, unfortunately he has not been very well.  Nick  
     (chairman) asked John if he still wants to be involved and John confirmed he is happy
     To continue.  There is a draft calendar and we need to submit dates shortly.
     It was agreed that we do need a meeting as soon as possible, maybe a Zoom meeting.
     Nick (chairman) will speak to John.  We also need to look at risk assessments as a 

11 Reliability Ride

     All ok, just have a possible clash with Schils as they are also running an event at the 
     Gateway on this day.  Nick (Rowley) asked if we are doing the same distance as before.
     Paul had sent his apologies for the meeting but it was thought they would be the same.
  1. Defibrillator Maggie read out a message that she had received from Jo Smith. Jo had seen Lorraine Day and they had been discussing the defibrillator placement. Both Jo And Lorraine had thought of a mobile defibrillator as a good idea. It could be Taken to events especially on the youth outings. Jo has also spoken to Madelen Tobiasson from Colchester Community first responders. She liked the idea and Would be able to provide free training on its use. Perhaps on a club social night? Madelen was unable to suggest a place locally where a defibrillator would be needed so perhaps a mobile one might be a solution. The Committee thought this was a good idea.
  2. Wheels for all Center Maggie read out another message that she had received from Jo. Jo said that She would like to ask the committee for funds towards Wheels for all Centre so That they would be able to purchase a bike for their participants. Jo said that she Had been gifted £500 from Palmer and Partners estate agents and that she was Planning on using this also towards a bike. Jo would like the Rovers to donate funds from the Reliability or Sportive rides. Jo has already approached Paul Meadows and he is more than happy to be part of this. The Committee took a vote and unanimously agreed to support Jo with this.
  3. British Triathlon Affiliation Tom was unable to attend the meeting but Nick (chairman) spoke on his behalf. Nick said that we have 3 to 4 Youth riders who have joined Colchester Harriers And are competing in triathlon. The Harriers are no longer being affiliated. Nick Asked if the club would be prepared to join the British Triathlon at a cost of £150. Nick (R) asked if we could get kit for the runners and Nicky said that Kalas Have already added the kit to the shop. Nick (Chairman) said that we need someone to lead on this and he will ask someone From the Youth. If we can find someone then the club is happy to support this affiliation.
  4. Club Image Nick (Rowley) asked has anyone spoken to the public about how the club is perceived. Nick (Rowley) and Kelly said that the image of the club is very poor.

Nick said that there had been reports on Instagram and other media sites of Rovers members riding badly.

Nick said that there had also been cases of cycling shops advising people against joining Colchester Rovers because it was deemed to be unfriendly and the standard of group riding is so bad.

Nick (chairman) said that he had had a good talk with Ken Baker and that he had also expressed his concerns at the standard of riding within the club runs. Discussion
took place around this and as a committee we feel that we need more training for riders and more ride leaders. Nicky suggested that perhaps we could have a training session once a month instead of a club ride.
Nick (chairman) said that he will speak to our British Cycling Regional Rep and see if it is possible to run a course if enough numbers come forward.

Nick said that he would put something together to send out to the membership and asked the committee to also think about what we can do to make the club more friendly.

FOOTNOTE: Since the meeting a letter has already been sent out to the membership.

  1. A.O.B. Nicky said that the awards evening is going to be a celebration night including a Rollapulza competition. There will be 2 rooms so that those who do not want to take part in the competition can go to a quiet room.

The food will consist of a Paella, Curry, and a Vegetarian option. The cost will be £17.00 per adult and £5 for under 15s. The bar will be 7 till late.

Nicky asked for nomination for Clubman of the year and Novice of the year.
Possible names for the nominations were Simon Wilson and Elizabeth Whall.

Nicky said that there will also be a special presentation to Jack Barden-Beatty.

Nick (Chairman) will ask the membership for Clubman of the Year nominations.

Peter asked the committee if the club would be prepared to give a £100.00 towards the runners v riders boxing day event. Both the runner clubs had already given a £100.00. The committee agreed the £100.00.

Nick (R) said that UTube went live this week and he was looking for volunteers for a video.

Kelly said that they now had a ladies only cycling group and was hoping to start up a monthly ride. Kelly, Zoe and Elaine are all hoping to complete a leader’s course.

Colin gave an update on Jim Reed. He said that he is deteriorating but doing well. There are a lot of people supporting him.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm

The date of next meeting is Friday 4th March 2022

Margaret Hargreaves