Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, 11h July, 2022
Stanway Village Hall
1. Committee Members Present:
Greg Andrews, Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, Jo Smith, Colin White, Peter Hall, Tom Starmer, Paul Meadows, Kelly Phillips, Stuart Anderson, Matt Haigh.
2. Apologies for Absence:
Nicky Swainston, Kelly Phillips, David Triggs
3. Approval of Previous Minutes
Proposed by Colin White
Seconded by Paul Meadows
4. Matters Arising from previous Minutes
5. Treasurers Report
Maggie presented the Treasurers report. At present the club monies stand at a very healthy £43,869.80. Funds received this month of £1027.93 which was made up of membership subs online. Sum Up payments together with £178.00 from Centurion races and £219.36 from the Eventbrite. Monies withdrawn £3762.21 made up of payments to Greg Andrews – Levies for the Centurion races, Stanway village Hall, The Rugby Club for celebration night, Club Jubilee ride, NGW Thursday nights. 7 members attending Ride Leaders course. Materials for work on the Container at Shrub End and Website management.
6. Membership
Colin read out the names of new members: John Blacker, Michael Tudge, Antoney Sargent and Keith Randle.
Justine asked If Paul Stygall was a member. Maggie confirmed from the bank statements that Paul had paid his membership and was a member of the Rovers.
7. Road/Circuit
Greg said that the Second Centurion had gone well. There was a small issue with Ian’s gazebo taking flight and was blown across the track narrowly avoiding riders. The Weather was amazing and now looking forward to the Tony Asplin Memorial Race which is being held on Sunday 21st August. Greg said that he will shortly put out a list asking for volunteers.
Kelly asked if we had any photos of Tony that we could use to personalize the race. Nick (Chairman) said that we did not have much but did have a copy of Tony’s Order of Service from his funeral.
Greg raised the point of volunteers at the Centurion/Club events. This was to be covered under item 9 but Nick (chairman) said that as it had been raised then we would discuss it now. Greg asked if we could suspend all club rides on event days. Nick (chairman) said we need help and not just the same people. We have a membership of 320 but it is always the same people doing the marshalling/duties.
Nick said that for the next 2 events we will not run any club rides on these dates (21 August and 10th September). We shall see if this works for this year and will revisit it again in the future.
The committee took a vote for this motion and it was carried unanimously.
Greg asked Kelly if she would take on board putting something together to go out to the members just letting everyone know what Tony did. Kelly agreed to take this on Board. (Since the meeting this has been achieved and the members notified).
Colin asked about the podium which was to be a permanent fixture at NGW. Nick (chairman) Said that at the moment communication with the NGW is not good and that we need to pursue this. Nick (Chairman) said that we need a contact at the Council to see if they can approach NGW and try to sort out a way forward. Colin said he has spoken to a couple of people on the council. Emily Harrop is the councillor looking into this.
Note: Since this meeting Malcolm has contacted Kevin Bentley. (Chairman ECC) to ask if he could help or knew someone at the council who we could contact for assistance with this matter. Kevin Bentley replied and said that we need to speak to David King (Local and County Councillor) Malcolm has since had contact from David King and he has confirmed that he is looking into the matter and will be in contact again shortly.
8. TT
Peter said that the 47 went well; he had 26 entries with 18 finishers, there were no incidents. Peter said that next year the open 47 would be an open 49. A vote of thanks was given to Peter.
The next event will be the open 50 which Matt is running. It will be on 14th August and using the new course E7/50D. Matt said that the village hall is all booked. He has a time keeper but was disappointed that he only had 7 entries to date. Matt said that he would like to send an email to all members Nick (chairman) said that he would help with this.
Matt said that he still needs marshals etc and will be asking for these shortly. Matt asked at what stage do we need to make the race viable Nick (chairman) said that to break even we need at lease 15 – 20 entries. Matt said that the course is now on the CTT website and will start at 7am.
Nick (chairman) said that there are 2 more Langham rounds left and the next TT is scheduled to be Tendring this week. Nick (chairman) said that he will be issuing a points table soon. Nick (chairman) is also trying to sort a TT social and will let people know when he has something sorted.
9. Volunteers for promoting events (Nick S)
This item has already been covered.
10 Succession management/Member Engagment.
Nick (Chairman) said that we need a new Club Secretary, TT Secretary and we need to be
informing the membership of what Vacancies we have on the committee and we really
need names to put forward at the AGM.
Nick asked if we had confirmation of our Welfare Officer from BC. Maggie will check
with BC as to who they have registered. (Maggie has chased BC and is awaiting
Kelly said that she is looking into something for a social evening possibly a curry night.
Nick (chairman) asked Malcolm if he has looked at the handbook yet with a view to
updating it. Malcolm said that he had not as yet but was awaiting a hard copy from
Nick (chairman) said that he would get him a copy.
Kelly asked if we could have a separate meeting about club standards. Nick asked if Kelly
would take this on board.
Tom said with regard to the Youth that this Saturday they are inviting parents to take
part with the children at the NGW session.
11. A.O.B.
Tom mentioned Club Mark and have we lost this accreditation. Nick (chairman) said yes
and that he needs to contact BC to follow up and find out what we have to do to gain
Accreditation again.
Paul said that he has booked Sunday 23rd October for the Sportive and is possibly looking
at a different route possibly going into Suffolk.
Jo asked what the Sum Up payments were for the reliability ride. Nick (chairman) said
that he would get this sorted and let her know.
Jo asked if she could possibly borrow one of the club gazebos and the podium for an event
that she has coming up for Wheels for All. The Committee agreed this was not a problem
and would arrange for Jo to have these for her event.
Greg asked about a container at NGW Nick (chairman) said that the problem is we do not
have a contact at NGW who is willing to enter into conversation about this. We need to
have a contact at the council who can help with moving things forward with NGW.
(see previous comments)
The meeting closed at 8.50pm
Date of next meeting Monday 15th August.
Margaret Hargreaves