Colchester Rovers Cycling Club Committee Meeting

03 JUNE 2024 / 7.30 PM


Maggie Hargreaves, Malcolm Hargreaves, Simon Wilson, Jonathan Whall, Colin White (post grass track), Justin Smith, Kelly Phillips, Colin Foster and Nicky Swainston.

Apologies: Paul Meadows, Jacqui Nortlock, Helen Arnold, Nick Rowley, Elaine Rowley, Matt Haigh, Tom Starmer and Nick Swainston.

Started 19:41

Approval of previous minutes

Approved – proposed Kelly, seconded Malcolm.

Matters arising from the previous committee meeting

  1. JS waiting on NS for club records to post on website – NS next job after TT results, ongoing. UPDATE: Ongoing.
  2. KP sent out survey results to all committee members – suggestion of sending report of survey. UPDATE: Survey results to be done in time for the next AGM together with a year on year comparison of a similar survey ahead of the AGM.
  3. KP liaising with Terry Byrne about his Tour of Divide attempt – currently ongoing. UPDATE Ongoing, KP also researching stories for website on Elspeth Knott and Jodi Thomas.
  4. KP TT celebration night has been postponed – results compilation ongoing. – discussion to not have event for last year’s awards. NS/NR Searching for volunteer to keep on top of this year’s results. UPDATE: KP indicated that a volunteer had been identified and would shortly be asked.
  5. GA/NS – New podium approved – ongoing NS to check in with Greg. UPDATE still required from Greg
  6. JS – To offer date at NGW for website updating. – Dates to be reoffered. UPDATE- Website now to be updated by committee members sending requested changes to JS.
  7. NS – ‘SPOND’ – Committee awaiting link from NS for App – to be discussed next month. UPDATE- Deferred to next month. Simon to discuss with Hadleigh CC.
  8. NS – Club Kit alternative companies being explored – auto defer to September update- No action Road/Circuit Races

Nothing to report.

Simon asked about Centurion races this year. None were planned at the moment.


All going well.

The idea of a return Sudbury inter-club fixture was discussed. Committee approved reciprocal event whereby CRCC would pay entry fees of Sudbury riders racing at Colchester event (to reflect arrangement when Colchester riders had ridden a similar event in Sudbury. Membership

Justin had shared the names of 6 new members, and one new 2nd claim member.

SW asked about 2nd claim members – JS can provide info.

Thursday Night Northern Gateway Rides

There was a suggestion that perhaps more riders were joining Thursday night club rides at the Northern Gateway than were registering and paying to ride. The committee will look into ways to monitor this more closely including a register as riders join the track. VCR could be asked to also monitor.

Youth Team/Youth Development

The Thursday night (6-7pm) sessions for Youth B and C riders had been successful with lots of progression for riders – many of whom are racing at regional and national level. These sessions will continue for another four weeks. Following that the emphasis will move to cyclocross at a similar time each week with a block of endurance sessions for cyclocross followed by cyclocross skills in preparation for the autumn cross season.

It was noted that a number of Rovers youth riders are currently planning on racing National Trophy Cyclocross races this autumn and SW had reminded the youth section about the possibility of applying for funding from the club. To qualify riders will need to, among other things, be first claim members of at least two years standing, submit a training plan by the end of August and have a proven track record of racing and contributing in some way to the Rovers.

Maggie also mentioned that CRCC youth riders of CRCC can also request access to certain Eastern Counties Cycling Association funding. Further details can be obtained from Maggie.

The idea of a ‘youth development squad’ was suggested to nurture core riders and perhaps they could be provided with jackets or equivalent.

Monday youth grass track sessions were now running and were very well attended. It was reported that the sessions have been very busy with around 25 riders per session with many new first-timer riders/grass track riders.

An idea of a youth TT on the track had been raised by Chris Douglas. This was primarily as a focus on youth but now with a possible link-up with the main adult TT riders – potentially a youth TT followed by an adult TT on the track.

Summer Social

Maggie raised the idea of a summer social, this could be one Saturday lunchtime in the summer where youth and adult riders could come together for a hogroast or similar (paid for by the club). In this way Saturday rides could take place and then come together. The potential date selected is Saturday 17 August.

Saturday/Sunday Rides

Maggie suggested that some of the committee should try and get out a meet some of the Saturday/Sunday rides to meet riders. Maggie had done this in the past and it had been a positive experience. Maggie was going to suggest some possible dates.

A typical Saturday club ride has between 15 and 20 riders and a Sunday club ride between 5 and 10.


  • the possibility of offering free membership to youth riders. SW to look at and suggest a proposal of how this might work.
  • there was an idea of an advertising board (or similar) at the NorthernGateway close to the football areas/cafe. This could note that CRCC was ‘proud to train at Northern Gateway’ or similar, with a list of cycle disciplines that Rovers partake in such as club rides, youth section, TT, cyclocross etc and then a QR code for the website and a website address. SW to investigate cost in the first instance.


  1. SW to ask Hadleigh CC about the SPOND app and how they are finding it.
  2. NS to ask Kalas – about kit shop opening.
  3. NS to advertise the date of 17 August club social event (after checking dates and availability of food options).
  4. – SW to find out about the cost of advertising at Northern Gateway.
  5. – Club to consider going forward use of CRCC temporary signage when running events at Northern Gateway.
  6. – Committee to monitor Thursday Northern Gateway rider (names and) numbers to check whether people are registering before they ride. This will also need to be monitored with VCR and a solution identified.