Colchester Rovers Cycling Club

Committee Meeting Minutes

Monday 5th August 2024

At Stanway Village Hall

  1. Committee Members Present:

Justin Smith, Helen Arnold, Margaret Hargreaves, Malcolm Hargreaves, Nick Rowley, Elaine Rowey, Colin White, Paul Meadows, Matt Haigh, Jonathon Whall, Nick Swainston, Kelly Phillips and Jacqui Mortlock, Greg Andrews.

  1. Apologies for Absence: None received. Assumed – Simon Wilson, Nicky Swainston, Tom Starmer.

  2. Approval of Previous Minutes

Proposed by Paul Meadows

Seconded by Colin White

  1. Matters arising from the previous committee meeting.

JS waiting on NS for club records to post on website – NS next job after TT results, ongoing. UPDATE: Ongoing. (This came to committee December 2023)

KP sent out survey results to all committee members – suggestion of sending report of survey. UPDATE: Survey results to be done in time for the next AGM together with a year on year comparison of a similar survey ahead of the AGM. – Needs to be addressed in AGM section below. (We never got to this)

KP liaising with Terry Byrne about his Tour of Divide attempt – currently ongoing. UPDATE Ongoing, KP also researching stories for website on Elspeth Knott and Jodi Thomas – Updates have been added to website. Terry’s Tour of Divide unfortunately did not go to plan due to medical issues. Maggie will add updates on news stories to News Letter.

KP TT celebration night has been postponed – results compilation ongoing. – discussion to not have event for last year’s awards. NS/NR – Searching for volunteer to keep on top of this year’s results. UPDATE: KP indicated that a volunteer had been identified and would shortly be asked – now moving out of area. NR has current year results up to date on a championship table. Volunteer for next year discussed. See Below. (We never discussed new volunteer at meeting)

Committee to monitor Thursday Northern Gateway rider (names and) numbers to check whether people are registering before they ride. This will also need to be monitored with VCR and a solution identified. – Maggie to make a visit to check this out. NS mentioned numbers have dropped in recent weeks (Holidays?)

Maggie requested a spreadsheet to show clearing of costs against usage. Track costs £42.50 per night.

GA/NS – New podium approved – ongoing NS to check in with Greg. Greg to get dimensions to JM as Gavin may be able to assist.

JS – To offer date at NGW for website updating. – Dates to be reoffered. UPDATE- Website now to be updated by committee members sending requested changes to JS. – (No clear response given to this in meeting)

NS – ‘SPOND’ – Committee awaiting link from NS for App – to be discussed next month. UPDATE- Deferred to next month. Simon to discuss with Hadleigh CC.- SW to ask Hadleigh CC about the SPOND app and how they are finding it. – NS apology he will get to this during this month.

NS – Club Kit alternative companies being explored – auto defer to September update

NS to advertise the date of 17 August club social event (after checking dates and availability of food options). – was booked, insufficient bookings to proceed. Alternative discussed below.

SW to find out about the cost of advertising at Northern Gateway – ongoing for next meeting.

Club to consider going forward use of CRCC temporary signage when running events at Northern Gateway. SW was going to retain a banner for usage when running events. (available from container if SW has not kept one).

  1. Treasurers Report – Figures as per Maggie’s accounts submissions. (See attached)

(Including JW accounts by NS). Additional kit has been purchased for some Youth members that represent Rovers at events (Hoodies & Jackets, not riding wear) Committee agreed to cover this from main account. NS/MH discussed Jock Wadley accounts. There is a disagreement of figures still between NS and MH but agreed further funds are still due from NS to club account. Malcolm pointed out this is very overdue. HA pushed for a dated commitment. NS assured committee this will be checked and sorted and funds returned to MH ‘tonight’ (5/8/24) It seemed felt that the amount should be £880 plus the £375 sponsorship.

  1. Grass Track – as reports already received. It has been pointed out that bigger bikes may be required for the older/taller children. CW thought we had some incomplete bikes that would cover. Decision made for an audit of parts required to complete the bikes we have. Pedal amnesty suggested, plus option of member donations may assist. MH commented National Grass Track event was very good. JW commented once accounts completed minor loss was made mainly due to medics’ cover. Agreed however the event being held was very important to hold and appreciated.
  2. Road Circuit Races – GW advised entries requested for Tour of Wales, sadly we have no junior contenders. Perhaps prepare potential riders for next year as a prestigious event. Riders then given experience to ride as part of ‘Eastern Region’ team. Centurion for next year. Would like to start planning dates asap for next year. SW planning a youth race for 1st September and sponsorship has been arranged with Carl Day and Chris Douglas.
  1. TT – Potential loss of all courses on the Tendring roads for 2025 due to ongoing road works. Langham may also become difficult due to new homes being built. Looking for new courses we need all left turns, start and finish within ½ mile of each other, parking for participants, preferably avoiding schools due to speed limits. Suggested we may need to reach out to other clubs to offer combined events. We currently do have good numbers but struggle with courses. Other clubs struggle with numbers. Potentially we could utilize NGW but higher number of volunteers required to use track also increased expense, thus possibly we would need to increase entry costs. Sudbury Inter Club events were encouraging, Sudbury would like to run again next year. Open events – E22/48 is next one and may be subject to road works but hoping will be ok.
  2. Membership – 22 as per Justin’s email and copied to agenda.
  3. Youth team and Development – JM and SW have been meeting regards Welfare Officer duties and roles. Discussions have been held as regards volunteers and coaches. JW will keep a list to be updated monthly. Policies were then reviewed. Volunteers should be interviewed, references sought and DBS checks carried out. Updated safeguarding policy has been circulated to committee. Kite mark lapsed but SW has agreed to investigate Club obtaining this again. DBS must be obtained on the Clubs behalf, even for persons who hold a DBS on behalf of other organisations. This would be for both parents and volunteers who help. JM pointed out that even holding and supporting of bike with children on means holding near child’s bottom. JW/SW are drafting new risk assessment to be carried out prior to sessions. Photography concerns to be addressed and monitored as parental permission should be obtained and photographer should be DBS checked for club. NS advised that there is a question on the parental disclosure form that covers photography. New policy also covers children being left at events and who is responsible for the child in parents’ absence. MH suggested possibly the hole committee may need DBS checks.
  4. Club Rides PM has been approached by current club Saturday riders that are less than happy with how rides are going. Some members considered leaving the ‘Saturday Rides.’ The riders feel there is not enough new riders joining, it is felt this is made more difficult by current Facebook ride publicity process (Members page only) KP raised point that new members are not catered for except if some of the slower Ride Leaders ride on a Saturday eg HA/KP/DSS. Lots of comparisons raised with VCR. VCR have an open and a closed page on Facebook and they publish photos of their rides after they have happened on the open page. One rider from the current Saturday Rides had volunteered to be added to the Rider Leaders WhatsApp group but had yet to receive an invite. PM explained that the group contained persons who had completed the rider leaders training. It was expressed that maybe the Ride Leaders Course did not fully apply to CRCC. Much discussion was had about the lack of persons willing to rotate or drop a speed group to support new members. The ‘open’ page is a Colchester Community Page – not an open CRCC page. Discussion then led to is Ride Leader qualification essential, could we collect bullet points to assist new leaders to organise a ride if they have not done the course. The Ride Leaders course was originally implemented to cover insurance requirements and to improve riding standards. WhatsApp group needs additional admin to enable current leaders to update that group. (HA now has been added as admin to the group) PM was asked to contact the group and ask when they would like to meet someone from the committee at either a café mid ride or at the end of a ride. (HA has been advised a couple of riders away on holidays now to be arranged possibly Saturday 24/8/24, HA will go on club’s behalf) NS raised maintaining ride safety of routes. HA raised that new persons need a supportive ride format to include and encourage new riders.
  5. A.O.B

PM – advised Ralph Flutter has passed away. Service will be held Tuesday 20th August at Colchester Crematorium and Cricketers Eight Ash Green afterwards.

NR – standing down as TT secretary at end of this year. Continuing with Social Media but not as committee member.

ER – standing down as welfare officer.

MH – British Cycling have an AGM at Northern Gateway 14/9/24. MH to attend.

JS – JS would like to ask if a contribution of funds from next sportive could be put towards a rehab bike following a stroke.

HA – stepping down as club secretary, not as committee member. Minutes will be done for August, then minutes will need to go on rotation. MH will do minutes for next meeting (September) JM will do October minutes.

NS – who received a volunteer’s email from BC about a course held at NGW 2 weeks ago. Apparently CRCC was the only local club not in attendance.

MH – Has suggested a ‘Chair Persons Dinner’ in lieu of cancelled BBQ event. Provisional booking has been made and full details will follow.

Follow ups for next meeting:

1. NS – Club Records – This has been on the agenda since December 2023

2. GA – Podium – Pictures sought of Schills Podium to use as template (KP to message Dom)

3. NS – Spond App – This has been on the agenda since February 2024

4. SW – Advertising at NGW costs?

5. NS – Club kit – This has been on the agenda since May 2024

6. CW – Grass track bike audit

7. PM/HA – Club rides update

8. GA – Date fixing for Centurion in 2025 (Plus dates for TT’s)

9. JS – Website updates meeting (Is this still required?)

10. MH – Update on result of random Thursday night NGW check.

11. MH/NS – Jock Wadley

Date of next meeting is Monday 2nd September 2024.

The meeting closed at 9;45pm

Helen Arnold

Club Secretary

Colchester Rovers CC