Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday 9th September, 2024
At Colchester Northern Gateway Meeting Room
Committee Members Present:
Margaret Hargreaves (Chair), Malcolm Hargreaves, Simon Wilson, Justin Smith, Helen Arnold, Kelly Phillips, Colin White, Paul Meadows, Matt Haigh, Colin Foster, Jacqui Mortlock, Jonathon Whall, Nick Swainston, Elaine Rowley, Nick Rowley, Nicky Swainston
Apologies for Absence: Greg Andrews, Tom Starmer
Approval of Previous Minutes
Proposed by Paul Meadows
Seconded by Colin White
Matters Arising from previous Minutes – Refer to action points.
Actions from previous minutes:
NS Club records are complete, ready to post on website. Proposed to be linked in “TT’s” and in “Club History”
GA – New podium awaiting design/supplier – Dom Schils doesn’t know where his came from, KP to ask at Schils..
NS – Spond App, HA had sent out Spond link to ride leaders. Discussion around Spond App likely needing to run in addition to Eventbrite/BC membership. KP to ask Hadleigh BC whether they use it for payments. Meantime suggestion to get Ride Leaders to try out posting rides as Facebook “Events”, see Tendring CC for examples.
SW – Advertising at NGW. SW reported advertising cost ~ £500, size etc. unknown, SW to check and report next meeting.
NS – Club kit. No current plan to move away from Kalas despite reports of wear/discolouration. Anyone with examples of kit problems (eg PM) should get it to Nicky to address with Kalas. Proposal to put link to Kalas CRCC catalogue and size guide on website.
MH/CW – Audit of club Grass Track bikes reqd. to be reported next (October) meeting
PM/HA – Club Rides Update. (see also “Spond” item in relation to members knowing what club rides are planned) Issues discussed in relation to Ride Leaders/BC insurance, see AOB Item “Ride Leaders/Insurance”
GA – Date Fixing Road Racing dates to be fixed by 11/10/24, Open TT’s similar. Agenda Item for October meeting. SW prepared and issued a Google Sheet spreadsheet for 2025 racing calendar. (attached to minutes)
JS – Website Updates Meeting. Not required, item closed
MH – Results of random Thursday night NGW Check. 2 riders paid separately as a result of the check. Item closed.
MH/NS Jock Wadley. Date agreed as 9th March 2025
Treasurers Report – As per MH report supplied/attached. Paid in £2583.97, Withdrawn £1755.27, Current account balance £12955.72 (Savings interest this month £90.60) Total funds stand at £38498.14. Youth account Paid in £1289.20, money withdrawn £0.00, Total funds £7011.65.
It was agreed that the club would pay for DBS checks for volunteers.
TT NR reported that the TT season had been a success, all categories having been closely contested until the last round. TT End of Season Social planned for Wed 18th Sep at The Half Butt, Gt Horkesley. NS to add to club calendar.
Membership, JS 6 new members since last meeting. Brenda Wells, Henry Clayton, Maya O’Mahoney, Isaac Smith (2nd claim), Dean Wiltshire, William Scott.
Youth Team/Youth Development SW Following previous agreement to provide funding for youth, 4 children meet the criteria and it was agreed to award funding (Youth A 4 rounds, Youth B 2 rounds) to be awarded on a Thursday evening session at NGW
Autumn Sportive PM advised that the Sportive would take place on 20/10/24 based at Boxted Village Hall, with ~70k and ~100k routes. It was agreed that funds raised be shared 50:50 between CRCC Youth and help with a bicycle for a doctor as previously proposed by Jo Smith.
AGM Date fixed for December 2nd at NGW,
Safeguarding JM explained a pack she has prepared to lay out the requirements for club volunteers, including links for requesting DBS checks. (File to be attached to minutes). Timeline; it was proposed to review/check at end of October (ahead of November committee meeting) See treasurers report item, it was agreed that the club would fund the cost of DBS checks for volunteers
Cyclo-X PH confirmed that the next Cyclo-X event will be on Sat 21st Sep at NGW, entries are open.
BC Eastern Region – Annual General Meeting Saturday 14 September 2024 – 5pm, KP, MH, MH, MH, NS planning to attend, expected to be on-line. (Noone has a link yet)
Club Survey, KP committee members are requested to review KP survey email/file and feedback to KP via email in time for her to collate and prepare for AGM.
Club Laptop Computer, MH agreed that JS can now wipe/reset the computer
St Helena Hospice/ Dr Chris Hall. MH Read out a hand written thank you card from the CEO of St Helena Hospice thanking CRCC for their donation of £1000 in memory of Dr Chris Hall
Date of next meeting is Monday October 7th 2024 at NGW.
Meeting closed at 9.30pm
Matt Haigh, minute taker, Colchester Rovers CC