List of Committee Members Present.

  • Maggie Hargraves
  • Malcom Hargraves
  • Kelly Phillips
  • Jacqui Mortlock
  • Peter Hall
  • Paul Meadows
  • Colin White
  • Matt Haigh
  • Simon Wilson
  • Justin Smith
  • Nick Swainston

Apologies for Absence

  • Helen Arnold
  • Greg Andrews – Tied up working on a design deadline. I have submitted the date options to British Cycling for the Tony Asplin Memorial race next year. I’ll chase them and confirm soonest.
  • Nick Rowley – The Hill Climb is the next event to come which is on the 13 October. I will get advertising out for it this week so hopefully we can have a few faces turn up for it.
  • Elaine Rowley
  • Tom Stramer
  • Jonathan Whall

Approval of previous minutes (September 2024)

  • Colin White and Paul Meadows agreed these.

New Members

  • Amalia Bonsor Colchester Rovers CC
  • Archie Osborne Colchester Rovers CC
  • Ariella Bonsor Colchester Rovers CC
  • Wilfred Groom Hadleigh Cycling Club
  • Maisie Jarvis Colchester Rovers CC
  • Peggy Colvin Colchester Rovers CC
  • Alan Johnson Maillot Noir CC
  • Mark Cox Colchester Rovers CC

Treasurers Report for CRCC accounts and Youth accounts.

It is estimated further funds will be raised from the current stock of club kit sales.

The club received some healthy bank interest.

Sponsorship came in from the printing company W&M.


The AGM is set to take place on AGM – 2nd December 2024.

Maggie sent out a list of vacancies and the main concern is recruiting for a club secretary and Vice secretary posts. (Please see list of current vacancies).

Colchester Rovers Committee posts

Name Post Notes

Geoff Keeble President

Margaret Hargreaves Chairman

Nick Swainston Vice Chairman

VACANT Secretary

VACANT Vice Secretary

Margaret Hargreaves Treasurer

Justin Smith Membership Secretary

Colin White Membership Liaison Officer

Greg Andrews Road and Circuit Racing Secretary,

Centurion, Tony Asplin.

Nick Swainston Organiser Jock Wadley

Nick Rowley Time Trial Secretary Standing down.

Peter Hall Cyclo X Secretary

Paul Meadows Sportive/Reliability Secretary

Justin Smith Website Secretary

VACANT Club Run Captain – Saturdays

Colin Foster Club Run Captain – Sundays Standing down.

VACANT Mountain Bike Secretary

Malcolm Hargreaves Committee Member

Helen Arnold Committee Member

Matthew Haigh Committee Member

Dan Hall Committee Member

VACANT Committee Member

Nicky Swainston Club Clothing Secretary

Nick Rowley Social Media Secretary

Kelly Phillips Press Secretary

Jacqui Mortlock Welfare Officer

Elaine Rowley Welfare Officer Standing down.

Nicky Swainston Social Secretary Standing down.

Simon Wilson Youth Development

Tom Starmer Coaching Lead

Chris Douglas Youth Marketing Standing down.

Jonathan Whall Organiser Open Grass Track Event Standing down.

Discussion held about all committee members having a specific club role to do – open for debate.

Discussions held around combining some of the posts and combining some posts.

Social Secretary post which Nicky Swainston is stepping down from is no longer required and could go as individuals can organise these on their own merits.

Nick Rowley has confirmed he is stepping down from the Time trial secretary and Kelly Phillips has shown an interest in taking this role on – Its believed Nick Rowley still wants to be involved in some respects; however, this needs to be confirmed at the next meeting and AGM.

Cyclo X Secretary – consideration if this is required.

Website secretary – no longer required.

Club runs Secretary – are these required as they tend to run by organisers who are not all on the committee. (TBC at November meeting).

Mountain bike Secretary – Kelly P attended a BC meeting, and it seems the forward vision is mountain and cyclo cross events. Consideration to re-name these to “off Road Secretary” and keep them under the one umbrella.

Committee members agreed It’s not about losing current posts of the constitution. But acknowledging the fact that we haven’t got too many volunteers and prioritizing what are the important roles.

Committee needs to consider those members who sit on the committee and do not attend for 3 consecutive months whether they should remain or be stood down. (Exceptional for specific situations to be considered).

Committee members will share the responsibility for the AGM meeting sharing the tasks required to help this run smoothly in the absence of the club secretary.

Safeguarding /DBS update.

The British Cycling safeguarding policy clearly sets out who must and should have a basic or Enhanced DBS when working with young people and significant access to vulnerable groups. British Cycling must satisfy themselves that the position the individual will be working in involves ‘Significant Access’ to vulnerable groups or is a Regulated Activity. For the purposes of cycling Regulated Activity as defined by the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act.

The policy sets out that the following roles must have a DBS – Club Welfare Officer (CWO) • Coaches who regularly coach children • Drivers • Volunteers who regularly spend time away with children at events or training camps • Website Administrators/ Forum moderators and these roles should have a DBS – club officials/ committee members • Volunteers/helpers • Competition organisers • Race Officials/ Commissaires.

The club has a responsibility to use the British Cycling process within the link and guidance I sent out to the committee members. We should be mindful that all these roles will/ can have access to children and vulnerable adults directly or via information during all events and should have a DBS as stated within the policy.

The Welfare Officers (JM) advice is for all positions and roles within the club to go through the British Cycling process and allow them to decide which DBS if any is required: a) an enhanced b) a basic DBS or c) no DBS is required.

When attending a post office to have your documents verified, I recommend using Manningtree rather than Colchester due to staffing issues.

This outcome should then be shared with the welfare officer/ chairperson who has a duty to keep a record of these outcomes on behalf of the club should an inquiry or investigation ever be required.

CRCC will refund the £8.22 fee. Signing up for the automatic update service, which usually costs £13 a year, is free for all volunteers. They are taking around 3 weeks to come back.

To date nine registered volunteers for DBS have shared their certificate number and details. I would remind committee members to complete there’s asap please.

Hillclimb ride cannot go ahead as Essex police had not been consulted with and the timescale is too late now – New date to be considered.

CRCC survey – Kelly P is going to circulate this to all members. Looking at a slight tweak and once agreed by committee members this will be circulated prior to the AGM.

SPOND App – Not helpful. Kelly sent an email with details of her conversation with Benson, and it was agreed this is not a helpful app.

Link my ride thought to be good but Justine found this app is not helpful as the app holds your bank card details which can been seen by the public.

Discussed and agreed to use the Strava app and Facebook community page for advertising and grouping rides.

Autumn Sportive is being organised by Paul Meadows. The date is set for the 20 October 2024 at Boxed Village Hall to start at 8am. Sandra and Paul will sort cups/mugs/ buying 12oz cups. Coffee/tea/sugar. Some items in the container and other items will be purchased at Bookers C&C (MH will pass the card for shopping).

Open TT’s for 2025 – MH is looking at routes and not being very hopeful due to planned road works in the area. Agreed to reconsider not to hold the 50TT. Organise the 10tt at the Dovercourt course. 25TT course in Tendring which may not run due to road works. Date for 10tt is Possible for April 2025. DS & MH will continue looking for suitable new courses. – The members “Thank you to Matt for running the event successfully”.

Youth riding – Simon shared the news that on Saturday, four youth members (and three second claim) raced at the first round of the cyclocross National Trophy in Derby. Youth coach Dan Hall raced in the senior event. Simon shared a summary of their experiences and spoke through the attached documents. A big thank you to Simon for taking the Youth Riding forward. SW –There is a need to have adult races with kids to make it viable. We need to promote the centurium racing. We need for the space for youth racing events. 20 youths coming to training each week brings £200 profit. Really viable and we need to continue youth training as this is promoting youth riders coming over from other clubs like Hadleigh and Covelo. Your see from the accounts we make some money some weeks and others can be a small loss.

Road, circuit, TT or cyclocross – Simon has created a new on-line calendar which has been circulated for dates to be added.

  • NS has submitted the Jock Wadley –09.03.25.
  • Greg has submitted to Tony Aspinall race.
  • One clash of dates already on the grass track race – SW will liaise with Greg for dates.
  • Cost £48 to move to use lighting. This will continue whilst viable. Kids racing doesn’t make money.

Cyclocross – well organised and acknowledged. Shy of 300 riders on the day. Staff at NGW were very good and helpful. Cost to run £3,500 – made a profit of £120. A big success. A big thank you to Peter for running this event.

Club Rides – Helen was absent from the meeting, and we have moved this to the following month for clarification around club rides and the advice Helen received from BC and insurance. NS explained BC doesn’t provide insurance for lead riders. As a club we need to minute the agreed ride leaders taking rides out. Paul Meadows has confirmed with Dave Scrimshaw and he is happy to be named in the minutes as a ride leader, for the time being.

  • Action to collect named riders to be discussed at committee in November due to BC guidelines and policy regarding insurance.
  • Club Members Kelly will ask Gary and Paul will ask David if they are happy to be named club riders.

Update on advertising at CNG – decision was to not pay for advertising at this time and to continue exploring with NGW senior team for negotiations and to build a partnership with them. SW has met with various people, and this will continue to be explored. Partnership manager is Frank.


  • Maggie shared the details of the Xmas gathering on the 12/12/24 at The Cricketers, Spring Ln, Fordham Heath, Eight Ash Green, Colchester CO3 9TG. There are 12 places left. Menu will go out and a £10 deposit required.
  • Monthly Quiz night and a meal for £10 – Exchange in Tiptree – to be considered in January.
  • Malcolm gave an update on Ray Robins cycling crash incident a couple of Saturdays ago – He was riding in a group when car hit him and reversed back over his bike. Perry had to intervene and pull Ray back otherwise the car would have run over his legs. The car left the scene and was found the following day abandoned. It’s registered to a member of the travelling community. Police are involved as this was reckless driving. Ray was taken to hospital and is suffering migraines. Ray’s bike was severely damaged as it Perrys as the car drove deliberately toward his too before driving off.

November Agenda discussion items:

  1. Kelly P has kindly offered to take minutes for November meeting.
  2. Club Rides and BC insurance. – Helen A.
  3. The AGM
  4. Committee vacant posts
  5. Consider combining some roles under one post.
  6. Discuss next meeting – posts available and present to the AGM and CRCC members.
  7. Nick Rowley – are you stepping down from the Time trial secretary so Kelly can take this on.
  8. Club podium – Velo Schils – Built from plywood. Podium we have is heavy –
  9. Greg Andrews update.
  10. New date required for the Hillclimb.
  11. CRCC Survey – NS will take forward.

Typed up by Jacqui Mortlock