Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday 9th October, 2023
At Stanway Village Hall
- Committee Members Present:
Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, Helen Arnold, Kelly Phillips, Colin White, Paul Meadows, Matt Haigh, Colin Foster, Ray Robins, Tom Starmer
- Apologies for Absence:
Nick Rowley, Elaine Rowley, Nicky Swainston, Greg Andrews, Stuart Anderson, Jacqui Mortlock, Simon Wilson
- Approval of Previous Minutes Proposed by Colin White
Seconded by Helen Arnold - Matters Arising from previous Minutes Item 5 Treasurer’s Report. Monies paid in should read £2159.25 and not £22159.25. The September minutes have been duly amended.
- Treasurers Report
Maggie presented the Club accounts. The balance is sitting at £42,012.80. Total monies paid in this month was £2396.56 and withdrawn £3726.95. The monies paid in were club Membership fees, Eventbrite monies, Centurion Races and Cyclo X plus other miscellaneous items. Expenditure this month was mainly prize monies for the Centurion races, Cyclo X, Centurion levies, Dragon race 2024, tables for the club and other various items.
- New Members
Since the last meeting we have had 3 New Members: David Hackett, David Onita and Nigel Warwick, who were accepted by the Committee. We had 1 member renew their membership.
Nick gave an update to the Committee with responses he had received from Chris O’Meara. The Committee agreed to uphold their decision.
- Road/Circuit/Cyclo X
Greg sent his apologies and had nothing to report. Malcolm said he and Maggie had attended the BC Eastern Region meeting at NGW, the main issue being the lack of events.
With regard to the ERRL the chairman Joan Potts has written to members informing them that it is being disbanded. The ERRL will cease after the prize presentation event.
- TT
Nick (Rowley) sent his apologies but had nothing to report. Matt said he had been to the CTT date fixing meeting. Matt presented the dates for the 10, 25, and 50. The 10 and 50 were confirmed but the 25 is having to move from the 9th June to the 25th. All events are SPOCO. Matt informed the Committee that he has had a new course agreed E7/DE Dovercourt.
Matt said he had also received a quote for some new/additional signs, the cost being £320 and asked the committee to agree to funding this. The Committee agreed to go ahead and purchase the signs. Matt said Eastern Region are keen to help any Juniors.
Nick said that he had been approached by the Chair of Sudbury to encourage our membership to enter their events. Nick said that he would be happy to encourage our members if they are also agreed to publish/promote our events.
- Cyclo X
Simon sent his apologies. This will be an agenda item for The November meeting. In brief Cyclo X event was a great success and discussions with NGW are very positive.
- Kit
Nicky sent her apologies. Nick asked for some feedback on the durability of shorts as he had Heard of some issues with the durability. Helen said her shorts had not worn Well. Malcolm and Tom said that they had issues with the legs going baggy. Nick said he will Get Nicky to speak to the supplier. Nick asked if we wanted more Rovers branding: an enhancement to the range possible some waterproof kit, leg warmers and hats. Nick will ask Nicky to look into this. Do we look to another supplier? Nick said he had been approached by Cycling Weekly about a competition they are running with regard to the club jerseys. We need a short story about the design and the history of the club.
Maggie asked for all existing Committee members to email her as to whether they will be standing
again next year by 15th October. Once Maggie has heard from all Committee members she will post
on the Facebook page.
Nick is proposing a rule change at the AGM that the posts of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer should be for a 3 year period only before standing down. Paul raised a point that could we stagger them somehow. Nick going to look into this.
- A.O.B.
Ray said he was organising another Circuit training day for the Saturday/Sunday rides on 15th September. Ray said that there are still a few issues with Saturday rides and is hoping these can be addressed. The evening with Emily is now fully booked and Ray is now looking at another event with Alex Dowsett as the guest speaker. This will be next January/February time. Alex is not asking for a fee but a donation to his charity. It was agreed the funds raised from the Reliability Ride would go to Alex’s charity. As the Reliability ride is likely to be after the evening with Alex the Committee agreed to make a donation from the club account with funds raised from the Reliability going back into the club account. Nick welcomed Colin Foster onto the Committee. Tom reported that all is going well on the Youth side. Tom also raised the issue of funding for Issac as he is attending a number of events that will incur travelling costs etc. The Committee agreed to help with funding Issac and asked Tom to forward a breakdown of the costs involved. Tom also asked if the club would fund him for a level 3 coaching course. Tom explained what the course involved and how this would benefit the club. The Committee agreed to fund the course. Date of next meeting is Monday 13th November. The meeting closed at 9.17pm
Margaret Hargreaves
Club Secretary