Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday 11th December, 2023
At Stanway Village Hall

  1. Committee Members Present:

Nick Swainston, Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Elaine Rowley, Justin Smith, Helen Arnold, Kelly Phillips, Colin White, Paul Meadows, Matt Haigh, Colin Foster, Tom Starmer, Jacqui Mortlock, Simon Wilson & Simon Whall.

  1. Apologies for Absence:

Nick Rowley, Greg Andrews, Ray Robins, Perry Taylor.

  1. Approval of Previous Minutes Proposed by Colin White
    Seconded by Kelly Phillips
  2. Matters Arising from previous Minutes

Simon Wahall/Simon Wilson advised that the work and research regarding the Cyclo Cross at NGW was ongoing still at this current time, it is felt that approval in principle has been achhieved but we are not yet “across the line”. This was duly noted.

  1. Treasurers Report

Maggie presented the Club accounts. The balance is sitting at £38,439.57. Total monies paid in this month was £1224.25 and withdrawn £3846.82. The monies paid in were Eventbrite monies, Cash, Dragon Race, and Ink. Expenditure this month was Emily Chappell, New Trolley Youth, Isaac, CBC, Rubino’s (including a £30.00 tip), deposit Criketer’s, VCR, and Ink.

Discussion then held with regards to an additional account for club monies offering higher interest rate. Currently 1.46% on savings. As we are classed as a business we can get 4.17% with 95 day notice period. The current saving account is instant access. Final agreement was for £20,000.00 to be placed in the higher interest account subject to acceptance by the bank following Maggie’s application.

The youth account was then raised and if anyone had received any update. Nick Swainston has spoken to ex youth treasurer with regards to transfer to new treasurer. This appears to require further progression. The balance at end of October was £5357.21. Tom Starmer has access but Robert needs chasing to progress transfer, Maggie will follow this up.

  1. New Members

Since the last meeting we have had 2 New Members: James Spalding and Tristan De Belligny, who were accepted by the Committee. We had 2 members renew their membership – Edward Watson and Mark Williams.

The issue of the British Cycling site allowing members to avoid paying membership whilst they purchase their BC membership occurred but has now been resolved by Justin.

The Chris O’meara appeal – Kevin Robinson had been granted an attendance to present an appeal for Chris Omeara following his request at the AGM. Kevin however is unable to attend this evening. Maggie has since followed up
the club policy on appeals and we need to hold an appeal meeting. This has been set for 18th December at 7.30pm with Maggie as chair, Jacqui Mortlock (as welfare officer and committee member), Helen Arnold and Simon Wilson.

Nick Swainston will provide all correspondence thus far including statements and emails exchanged, Maggie will provide a copy of the letter of appeal. These will be made available to the three committee members due to attend only.

  1. Road/Circuit/Cyclo X

Greg sent his apologies and had nothing to report. Nick Swainston has submitted the Jock Wadley for Sunday 10th March 2024 and awaits confirmation but no problem is expected. Greg Andrews and David Hales are to make the submission for their race which again it is anticipated to be accepted. Malcolm advised the challenges currently presented by the lack of a competition administrator in the Eastern Region. Sally from BC is currently overseeing the role Ian Doe held, Andy Blowers post is currently being advertised for a replacement. Sadly, a lack of events is a continued theme. Simon Wahall advised that contact had been received from British Cycling and the grass track event had been agreed for 30th June 2024 and 400m National at Shrub End.

  1. TT

Nick Rowley sent his apologies, Elaine advised she felt there is nothing to report. Nick Swainston intends to contact Nick Rowley to discuss 2024. Kelly Phillips request club championship details for press release. Nick Swainston advise he will sort the results for circulation with a view to arranging a presentation. Matt said he had received confirmation from the CTT for three events, being 10 on 7th April 2024, the 25 on 9th June 2024 and the 50 on 4thAugust 2024. All events are SPOCO, this is hoped will increase the opportunity to obtain more entrants.

  1. Cyclo X

Simon has had a meeting at the NGW with Tende Williams. Tende is to take on two tasks; taking on the usage of the land and secondly the detail of how much and if the council would fund the initial site works required. A further meeting is planned for the new year to follow this up.

  1. Youth Development

Simon Wilson presented highlights of the youth Mission Statement. (The mission Statement had been circulated to committee members prior to the meeting). Tom Starmer highlighted the need for inclusion of all and that our ability as a club to provide the grass track bikes for free use and when they are providing training at the NGW they highlight that bikes are available for hire at that venue. Many challenges remain against the action plan that was formulated last year, but concentration will be placed on three key points of developing membership, the quality of coaching provided and the development of grass track. Malcom commented on the enthusiasm of the youth committee members. Kelly Phillips asked about funding sources for the NGW potential development and Simon advised funding would be a further challenge once agreement had been reached on the NGW development. Nick Swainston asked about any possible investigation to moving existing storage containers or adding additional container to NGW, and perhaps using them a part of the landscaping development to provide elevation. Should we reach this point then it was suggested that further course design assistance might be investigated at that time, in addition possibility of another field at NGW. Developing all our offerings on one site.

Maggie would like the main club to take a lead from the Youth and develop a strategic plan. Maggie has taken the step to book the Stanway Village Hall for January 15th 2024 to discuss our plan for a vision for the club. Paul Blacker had offered to facilitate this and Nick Swainston will contact him to assist us. Nick Swainston will circulate to committee members more details from the recent survey.

  1. Website.

Maggie pointed out the limited access to some areas of the website. Helen Arnold advised the following areas of the website would not display any further information beyond the title being visible:
Equity Policy, Complaint and Discipline, Conduct for Young People, Conduct for Parents and Carers, Guide for dealing with Accidents and Emergencies, Incident Form, Parental Consent Form, and Volunteer Agreement Form.

Malcolm raised the issue that Ken Baker has requested that result tables for club records are not available on the website. Kelly Phillips has agreed to assist in gathering the information and will try to liaise with Geoff and Ken to establish the required information. Access for updating the website was then discussed Nick Swainston and Justin Smith believe they may be able to assist with updating information. In addition it was requested that committee members pass pictures for their bio’s, if they have not already done so, to Justin Smith, a short bio would be useful but not essential.

  1. A.O.B

Maggie – Chris Douglas has emailed to ask if we are preparing any type of event for the youth at Christmas with a view to funding assistance. It was advised that parents have not been as keen to come forward to assist and the location that is used is currently suffering from flooding. The proposed date was for 16/12/23 and it is felt that is now not achievable. The suggestion was to defer a potential event to be the end of the cycling season which would be the end of January 2024. Jacqui Mortlock advised she was able to help with children’s parties.

Nick Swainston – has been contacted by Paul Blacker, he has been in discussion with Andy Fagin with regards to a plan for ‘Social Prescribing’ (Nick will forward the contact he has received to committee members) It was discussed in brief and points raised that could be more difficult than imagined. That potentially we could support with riders but would be an enquiry better placed with NGW possibly and maybe Active Essex would also be better placed to assist. Paul Blacker may raise this when he attends in January.

Tom Starmer – passed on thanks from Isaac for our club support. He is very pleased with his National Trophy, report being written hopefully tonight. Next event for Isaac is in Bradford 7th January 2024. Kelly asked if she could take reports on website to pass for press releases, Tom agreed this was fine.

Simon – The Eastern Cycle Cross Committee has requested we host an end of season relay. If any money is lost they have agreed to cover costs, the event being proposed for 4th February 2024 at NGW.

Maggie wished everyone well for the New Year.

    Date of next meeting is Monday 2nd January 2024.

    The meeting closed at 9.10pm 

Helen Arnold
Club Secretary