Colchester Rovers Cycling Club
Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday 13th February, 2023
At Stanway Village Hall

Malcolm opened the meeting with apologies from our Chairman.

  1. Committee Members Present:

Malcolm Hargreaves, Margaret Hargreaves, Justin Smith, Kelly Phillips, Colin White, Matthew Haigh, Stuart Anderson, Helen Arnold, Tom Starmer, Ray Robins, Peter Hall, Nick Rowley

  1. Apologies for Absence:

Greg Andrews, Nick Swainston, Nicky Swainston and Elaine Rowley

  1. Approval of Previous Minutes Proposed by Colin White
    Seconded by Kelly Phillips
  2. Matters Arising from previous Minutes None
  3. Treasurers Report

Maggie presented the Club accounts. We are still in a very healthy position with the present balance sitting at £40,285.29. Total monies paid in this month was £1896.11 and withdrawn £1601.76. The monies paid in was club membership. Withdrawls was mainly coaching course for David Triggs and 300 new club water bottles.

The matter was raised about ride leader course/coaching courses as we recently had a situation where one club member attended a ride leaders course paid for by the club and after six months informed Maggie that not only would they not be helping as a ride leader but would not be renewing their membership this year and possibly not renewing ever again. (We have since heard that this club member has now become a member of VCR).

Tom said that he had spoken with the club coaches and it was going to be agreed that if the club pays for members to become coaches they must at least carry out 12 coaching sessions per year.

  1. New Members

Since the last meeting we have had the following new members: Luke Maddock, Richard Norris, Ian Montgomary, Alexander Lossitt, Amy Barden-Beatie, Lynn Luive-Woods. Justin said that there had been 77 renewals.

  1. Road/Circuit racing – Jock Wadley

Greg sent his apologies and Malcolm gave an update on the Jock Wadley and presented the riders list to date. Nicky is chasing sponsorship and will let us know as soon as she hears anything. Helen said that her husband’s company is happy to be a sponsor and will forward details to Malcolm. Malcolm reminded the Committee that this year the race will run from Layer Village Hall with additional parking at the School.

  1. TT

    Nick has been very busy working on next year TTs races. Nick informed the Committee how bad the road at Stones Green is and that we will not be able to us it for the foreseeable future. Nick said that we do need to look at new courses. For the mid Summer Series we will possibly use the Layer course. For the tendring TTs we will use the Layer or Peldon course.

Nick said that this year he will be expecting riders to do marshalling duties.

  1. A.O.B.

Jackie Mortlock is one of our Welfare Officers and asked what is required of her role. Some discussion took place with the outcome being that it would be best to have a look on the BC website where details are held. Justine is also going to create a specific contact on our website for members to go to when needing to contact Jackie/Elaine.

Kelly informed the meeting that she is now a fully qualified Mental Health First Aider.

Nick said that he had been in contact with INEOS who are going to open a car dealership in Colchester. Nick is hoping to have a meeting with them soon.

Tom asked Justin if it was possible to get a print out of all the Youth membership. Justin said that would not be a problem.

Colin informed the meeting that Ivan Ridgewell’s wife had died and that he and Geoff Keeble had attended the funeral.

Ray said that they had held a Ride Leaders meeting to talk about etiquette and how he would like to see the Saturday rides being run. Ray also mentioned a ride that is going ahead on 26th March (Octopus) being run by Cranley Cycling club) it would consist of 100 and 200 miles. Ray said that he was looking to have regular ride meetings and possibly running a teaching/training ride at NGW. Tom said that he is willing to take these sessions and suggested maybe sacrificing a club run to hold this session on a Saturday and that they could even possibly do a club run after the session. Ray said that he will put something together and notify everyone on facebook.

Date of next meeting Monday 13th February, 2023

The meeting closed at 8.50pm